Indoor 2nd round: Indoor 2x4, QBs, LOS w/GPS, RQS, Seedsman, and a bonus Outdoor grow!

May 5, 2019
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I'm a new grower, embarking on my second indoor and second outdoor grow. My plants in my first indoor round turned out pretty well, and I'm stoked to get some more variety going. And to start using living Organic soils.

Link to my first grow, with detailed setup info:

Here's the short list:
  • 2x QB288V1 on a c2100 driver
  • 2x4x5 tent
  • AC Infinity Cloudline T6 vented outside w/no filter (just a pre-filter)
  • Small oscillating and non - oscillating fans

Right now I have a small variety going. Largest is a clone of an Orange Blossom Special that is growing outside. Pics coming next.
Here's most of the lineup:
RQS NY Diesel Auto

Started in FFHF
GPS Snake Oil

Started in FFHF
RQS Amnesia Auto

Seedsman Purple Kush CBD Auto

The Purple Kush and Amnesia were both started in FFHF, and up potted to 3G fabric pots with Coast Of Maine Stonington Blend. Purple Kush is blended with Promix (top 50%), and the Amnesia is 100% Stonington. Both have added perlite.
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I think both or these autos are stunted, for some reason. But the frost on the amnesia is looking pretty nice.

It's N toxic from the looks of it. It was started in FFHF just like all of my seedlings, but has looked this this since its second week.
Ambient temperatures have been increasing lately, and I've found that maintaining an acceptably small VPD has been critical to the health and vigor of these plants.

Here's what we look like at 80-85* F with a RH around 50%:


And here is after adding the humidifier, bringing the RH up to about 65%, with the same temps:


Everyone is much happier. I think the excessive VPD definitely had a hand in stunting the two older autos. The NY Diesel Auto seems to be on a much healthier track.

It is interesting to note that the two larger autos seem to the the least affected. This may be due to the larger mass of media compared to their actual root ball - they were up potted fairly recently.

I forgot to mention that by way of experiment, I topped the Amnesia and Purple Kush, I think I did it too late and to plants that were already stunted (a clear mistake), but thdt the topping itself didn't stunt these plants.

In fact, while the Amnesia isn't growing vegetatively, the PK seems to be enjoying its habitat and the conditions, and is hitting a decent growth pace now.

It will be interesting to see how this whole crop develops. Thankfully, with the yield from my first grow, we have plenty of stock for now.
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Here is the outdoor crew:

In the ground:
  • Orange Blossom Special 1 (mainlined for 8)
  • Sky Dweller 2 (mainlined for 8, had a LST accident, now has 6 heads)

In 5g fabric pots:
  • Orange Blossom Special 4 (mainlined for 4)
  • Sky Dweller 1 (mainlined for 8)
  • Cheese from Seedsman (just LST)
The garden also includes tomatoes, cukes, peppers, squashes. I placed them too close together. So that will be fun later!
Thanks for the tag! I'd say the amnesia has fully flipped into flower and won't get much bigger. I've recently had a plant do that, but the cause was gnats. I culled her and started a new seed after the gnat problem was eradicated. VPD is important as you can see, you want to maximize growth early on and prevent stalling.
I'd also recommend putting worms in your pots, best gardeners on the planet.