Grow Room 2nd PC GROW

Looks good man about to update mine in about 20-30 min.. Keep it up!! im about 10 days behind you.

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still havent readjusted lst


water day! transition feeding from veg to flower
water + molasses!

*light switched to flowering*

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released all LST
- pictures taken 30 mins before lights ON

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check out the plant reactions and they are reaching for the lights
- pictures taken a couple of hrs before lights OFF

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slight LST adjustments are back on the budsite location only (to even out the growth)
- no leaf tucking and no aggressive ties
- pictures taken during dark hrs

looking like SOG in the making


enjoy the quick photoshoot!



thoughts.comments.questions always welcome.
Sir. I deem this LST official beast mode.

:clap::clap::clap:You have developed a real nice:gthumb: herbal:bow: Amazing work my friend:buds: Are you lst'n all the way to the end or you going to let it all go soon? Keep the main stalk tied down and let the rest go to get a little height before vertical growth stops? Just wondering because it looks like you have room. :toke::peace:
:bow: Nice dude!

Check out my journal when you get time to. I need your advice on LST
:slap: Awesome set up. My first successful grow was in a speaker box. Didn't look half as nice as your setup however.

thanks for the love bro.

would have love to see your speaker box grow! -- do you have any pics from it stored anywhere?

Looks good man about to update mine in about 20-30 min.. Keep it up!! im about 10 days behind you.

thanks blaze! -- looking forward to seeing your updates.

i need to play catch up in a a lot of journals/threads.

:smokebuds:looking great
:smokebuds: thank you stormsenigma.

Sir. I deem this LST official beast mode.


:bow: thanks bro! all the light penetration should serve the budsites well.

nice herbal! its crazy how fast shes flowering :P
mega update! :bong: yes i do enjoy :smoke:!

mega update for sure -- had to spread them out! lol. glad you enjoyed the photos bro.

shes flowring like a beast -- shes been shooting out pistils since day 15.

cant wait to see how shes like by the end of this month :dance:

:clap::clap::clap:You have developed a real nice:gthumb: herbal:bow: Amazing work my friend:buds: Are you lst'n all the way to the end or you going to let it all go soon? Keep the main stalk tied down and let the rest go to get a little height before vertical growth stops? Just wondering because it looks like you have room. :toke::peace:

unholy my friend -- thank you for stopping by and asking a great question :buds::smokebuds:

ive currently slowed down on the LST adjustment as im out of spreading room (pot space) but like you said plenty of head space.

i will be letting her grow vertically and hopefully she fills out nicely and evenly.
- she wont be LSTed so aggressively (as to pull her all the way down)
- she will be slightly LSTed (as to just spread the sites and provide lights to them)
- leaf tucking will continue as always (to prevent them from blocking the lights.

:bow: Nice dude!

Check out my journal when you get time to. I need your advice on LST

thank you kindly bro!

just came over from your journal few minutes back.

looking forward to seeing how your baby reacts to some LST action. :thumbs:

Cool as shit! It does like a micro sog! Pistols look good and long! Should be a nice pc turnout! He'll yea.

thank you for the love GS!

im looking forward to how much she yields bro.

should be coming up in 1+ month -- so dont hold your breathe just yet. lol