Grow Room 2nd PC GROW

Lookin great herbal! Looks like alot of budsites there,can't wait to see them fill out!
Awesome work man! I have three questions and one request. 1. I saw the comparisons (amazing); what factors did you change second time round to get such greater results? NOOB QUESTION ALERT! 2. I see you use the cup on soil method, but you have the bottom of the cup cut open for roots right? And do you feed to the cup soil or to the box soil? 3. What knot are you using to do the LST? OH, and could you please upload a few photos of your grow box inside/outside? I am really interested in the PC grow. Good budding to you.
The cup deal is stacking 1 cup inside another solid cup so roots are not disturbed for transplant when to that stage and selecting out the females. I think his soil is TLO?
Good q's for him. All questions are good questions until you know...and when ya think ya know...ya forget to ask the simple questions and never fully understand.
For some reason ive had to go throught 4 pages lol my subs have all messed up lol Looking fantastic :slap: for the LST nice fat knuckles and stalk
That main stalk is so fat Herbal! I don't know how I haven't noticed this before but your avatar is awesome :lol: You've been :slap: for the epic lst my friend :smokebuds:
Dude... ok you need to come over the Rebs place and show me how to lst... lmao but seriously man... top notch work! I need to catch up more and slap you silly.... you know I will!! That is gonna be an Amnesia Bush!! Hope she remebers where to put the calyxes... lmfao!
I am now considering building a PC Grow, looks so much fun, and looks like you will be well rewarded.