Awesome work man! I have three questions and one request. 1. I saw the comparisons (amazing); what factors did you change second time round to get such greater results? NOOB QUESTION ALERT! 2. I see you use the cup on soil method, but you have the bottom of the cup cut open for roots right? And do you feed to the cup soil or to the box soil? 3. What knot are you using to do the LST? OH, and could you please upload a few photos of your grow box inside/outside? I am really interested in the PC grow. Good budding to you.
thank you for stopping by and the compliment.
dont worry i didnt forget about responding to your questions -- just saving you for last so i can provide some answers and pictures.
1. I saw the comparisons (amazing); what factors did you change second time round to get such greater results?
- i tested my soil and was able to determine that the starting ph was 5.0-5.5 (way too low for the plant)
solution to this: amended the soil with dolomite lime @ 1tbsp per gallon
- i was also able to control the temp and now providing the plants with a much better night/day temps
check out my 1st pc grow and you can see the plant s struggling along with some of my modification.
noob question alert! lol -- dont sweat it. only way to know is if you ask right?
2. I see you use the cup on soil method, but you have the bottom of the cup cut open for roots right? And do you feed to the cup soil or to the box soil?
- bottom of the cups are cut off for
- you water both the cup and the container as the main roots are still in the cup
check out FDs guide: (very informative info)
3. What knot are you using to do the LST?
- yo yo knots? lol -- you knnow how you tie the end of the yoyo to your finger? exactly the same.
OH, and could you please upload a few photos of your grow box inside/outside?
- will do!
this is how the pc looks (this is not my picture -- but its the same pc)
the rest below are my pictures.
View attachment 172323
this is the inside and how it currently looks at the moment
View attachment 172324
intake fans + circulation fans
View attachment 172325
exhaust fans inside view + power supplys above (x2)
View attachment 172326
exhaust fans from outside view
View attachment 172327
2 wires coming out of the back
(only way for me to run the fans 24 hrs)
youre probably wondering why i have 7 fans -- its a little over kill but i was experimenting and finding a way to lower the TEMP (slowly adding fans etc)
heres how i have my fans connected:
2 intake fans (80mm 30cfm) + 2 exhaust fans (80mm 40cfm) + 1 direct to the plant/stem (80mm 40cfm) = running 24/7 connected to 1 power supply
1 exhaust fan (120mm 110cfm) + 1 fan blowing across the light (120mm [L:39cfm/M:59cfm/H:79cfm] = running when the lights are ON connected to 1 power supply
total of 7 fans -- running at about 3-5 degrees above room temp.
*magnets are your friends*
-n42 magnets-
- holding the lights up and making it adjustable
- holding my fans up and letting me adjust them where i please