New Grower 2nd Grow: LED, Soil, Bubba Kush, Jack Herer, Bruce Banner, BubbleGum

@Mcdee I have a humidifier in the tent lol. I think because we are exhausting in directly from outside and out through an active fan. The humidifier is just not strong enough... was a 40$ one on Amazon. Will try and invest in a better one for next grow.
Hey man, I almost bought a small humidifier at Wallmart the other day, they had them displayed right there when you walked in. I'm glad I didn't. From what iv'e heard they just don't do much in a 4x4 tent. Any way, my RH has been in the 35% at first, then I added 2- 21/2gal. buckets with a towel that brought it up to 42%. It should be higher, but I don't think it has effected the growth at all. I have a new coach, look out tom difflatadible, cheaten son of a bi#@##ch brady!-----:jointman:
Yea think it adds a few % of rh lol. Pathetic little shit. It rained today and I watered so rh is up into the 40s now!

@rick-j wait what team do you support?? And amen fuck Brady's bitchass.
Can you slow your exhaust?

Think I have it on the slowest setting. I will check next time I am in the tent.

Gave the Bubba Kush a little less than a gallon of water with about 1.75 ml (about half the dosage) of the Organic Nutrient line.

Gave the Jack and Bruce a half gallon each of water with 1 ml (1/4th) of the of the Organic Nutrient line today. Will post a big picture update tomorrow afternoon. Excited to see the 24 hour growth of the topped girl.
Yea think it adds a few % of rh lol. Pathetic little shit. It rained today and I watered so rh is up into the 40s now!

@rick-j wait what team do you support?? And amen fuck Brady's bitchass.
I'm a Miami Dolphfins fan, been with them since Dan Marino, don't laugh, one of these day's----before I die,it would be nice to see the big game, that guy named brady--- ouch it just hurt's , he's in my division, been in my division, and that son of a b#%##$ch has made us look real bad, many of time's. It ruffles my feather's just thinking about him------------my team is just like growing weed, gotta get a lot better-----:jointman:
my team is just like growing weed, gotta get a lot better-----:jointman:


Sad Joe Philbin didnt really work out for y'all. Got a lot of love and respect for him.

@Frenjamin Banklin that is a possibility. But I am in a musty dank basement... there is a fancy de-humidifier in the basement that keeps it from getting real gross. But it is far from the ideal air. I guess I gotta figure out which is better. Gross possibly dirty air or a low RH... any thoughts?
If it’s a sealed tent the recirculated air would be clean I suppose. I don’t vent my grows externally until flower and I need to drop my humidity.

Not sure what your exact basement issues are but just sharing what works for me.

If it’s a sealed tent the recirculated air would be clean I suppose. I don’t vent my grows externally until flower and I need to drop my humidity.

Not sure what your exact basement issues are but just sharing what works for me.


So the air in your tent just stays in there all veg? Or do you have a passive intake?
Hey y'all Saturday Update! ABout 30 hours after being topped the Bubba is looking good. Got a lot of growth around the nodes. The top two seemed to have stalled a bit, but I expect them to pick it up tomorrow. Will start bending her over soon! Everything is is going great as well. had some temp fluctuations today as we tried to get heater to a good setting with it being the hottest temperature outside so far during this grow. Had highs of 88 and lows of 72. It was never at a constant temp for more than an hour though. I don't anticipate that this was an issue, but curious to hear thoughts.

The bubblegums are still trailing behind. And the jack is funkkkkyyyy. Think she might have been burned by the nutrients during seedling stage?
I took these pictures while my brother watered the bubblegums, which is why the soil is so moist.

Bruce Banner.jpg
Bubble Gum 2.jpg
Bubblegum 1.jpg