As i remembered, almost identical to mine. When are you planning on switching to overdrive? Would you go by appearence or an actual day/week? Kinda tricky with autos..
What ec level are you feeding now? I didnt check runoff for 3 days @ 1.1 and today it was 0.9! Im cautios with going over 1.2... dont wana stress my autos..
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I was thinking roughly 4weeks, then switch to Overdrive for another week or 2. I'll have to go by appearance a bit I think? This grow may go longer, so the recommended timeline might work out.
2.2-2.3 inflow EC with my water. That's sensi coco a+b @4mls per liter and BigBud @2mls per liter. There's a bit of tip burn, but nothing major. Ill keep an eye on outflow EC and leaves. If it gets out of hand, ill lower the bigbud a bit first.