Indoor 2lbs out of 4 autos? JayGeeCanuck's second grow. First AFN Journal

She's filling in pretty quick lol. Might have to raise the front Dinamex a bit. She's short like her sister was during the first grow.
O lala
Remind us your feeding regimen mate?

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AN sensi coco a+b and BigBud coco @ manufacturer recommended strength.

Fertigate twice a day to 20% runoff. I have been monitoring EC a bit this grow, so if the EC is creeping up, I've given extra, something I didn't do during the first. These plants also seem to be thirstier than my first crop too lol.
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Ive been pondering some bracing to resist the negative pressure in the tent, and increase air flow, reflectance and footprint. Any ideas? Ive read coat hangers may work?

I also thought about switching to positive pressure and mount my exhaust fan to blow air in the bottom ? That way the tent would expand to maximum size without bracing?
AN sensi coco a+b and BigBud coco @ manufacturer recommended strength.

Fertigate twice a day to 20% runoff. I have been monitoring EC a bit this grow, so if the EC is creeping up, I've given extra, something I didn't do during the first. These plants also seem to be thirstier than my first crop too lol.
As i remembered, almost identical to mine. When are you planning on switching to overdrive? Would you go by appearence or an actual day/week? Kinda tricky with autos..

What ec level are you feeding now? I didnt check runoff for 3 days @ 1.1 and today it was 0.9! Im cautios with going over 1.2... dont wana stress my autos..

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