Indoor 2lbs out of 4 autos? JayGeeCanuck's second grow. First AFN Journal

461w. Full throttle tomorrow.

Runoff from the Dinamex in the back was 500 higher inflow last night, but ~200 this am. Maybe protesting her haircut?
40 days growth they are insanely huge. Did they sex? Is stretch happening?

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Yes and yes. Front Dinamex is shorter though, like my first grow. Also has the same fabric pot.
Fabolous brother.

Gota ask, why do you grow autos and not photos mate?

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View attachment 1078803 Hey everyone! Im a lurker who just finished his first grow. I did a journal on for my first grow.


I give @nebulahaze tons of credit for her site. Its an incredible resource if you're just starting. Anyway, first crop went in on April 17th and was chopped June 30th.

I grew:
1x Dinafem - Dinamex (yield 219g) (front left)
2xMephisto- Chemdogging (138g, 135g) (front right, back left)
1x Northern Cheese Haze (233g)(back right)

Plus 330g of larf.

My initial inclination was to do 1 or 2 plants. It was A LOT of trimming . Lol.
Given that I don't think i can run my tent in the winter ( temp would drop waay too low venting outside) I think im better off just doing 4 again. Curing in the fall will be better for temperature control as well.

Since i bought packs of 3 seeds, i have 2 Dinamex, 2 NCH, 1 Chemdogging and a Canuk Amnesia freebie left. The Dinamex and Cheese were highest yielding. Therefore Ive decided im going to do 2 Dinamex and 2 NCH, tuning the grow based on what I learned during my first grow.

Some changes:

Not going closer than 24" in veg , while keeping power a little over 50%.

I ran them at 20" during flower (@95%)which might have been a bit too much. Ill make 22" the min distance, hopefully reducing/eliminating light burn.

I still have AN sensi coco left over for base nutes, but ill tinker with the additives.

I used BigBud coco @ 0.7mls/l, instead of 2mls/l because I only had the 125ml bottle. I have 1l on order, so ill be able to do atleast 3/4 strength (maybe 1.5mls/l?).

I also ordered some Overdrive, which ill add during the last 2 weeks.

I used the loose fill canna coco first time, but couldnt get it for this grow. Ive ordered the canna compressed bricks that you add water to. They say it's the same thing...

Once I get confirmation that the coco is shipped, I'll get the seeds germinating along with the first pics for the journal. Thanks for watching!
Great first grow. My first plants were great also 219 grams, 129g. I'm doing a NCH and ripleys OG next. love your buds dude.
Fabolous brother.

Gota ask, why do you grow autos and not photos mate?

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Autos seemed way more user friendly. Power outages dont matter much ( as long as they're not too long lol), faster and yields are more than enough.
I did buy a timer, so I can do it in the future.