Seed Stockers 2021 Seedstockers Solo Cup Challenge

seedstockers solo cup grow off poll vote for 2

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Not even a sympathy vote for me LOL :rofl:
Fist solo nice job, you got it to the finish line & there is smokable bud on it, give yourself a slap on the back, you did good!:d5:
Next time you will do better.:woohoo1:
We live, we learn, we grow, it was ever thus!:hump:
Read all the journals of you competitors, see what they did differently!:d5:
Grow solo cups, even when not in a comp, practice makes perfect!:thumbsup:
Before you know it you'll be growing monsters in solo cups!:smokeit:
What ever the result, "You are a winner" you grew some smokable bud, when you light it up that is where your reward lies!:jointman:
Enjoy it bro and I look forward to seeing your next "Solo Cup" grow!:smoking:
Some good grows there hard to choose I've tried solos a couple times and it's hard good job everyone
Did you vote yet brother!:shrug:
Hard to decide eh..?:doh:
Just pick the two you would have been most proud to grow, if it were you!:vibe:
I hope to see you entering a solo cup comp,in the future!:thumbsup:
Practice makes perfect!:woohoo1:
One hint I will give is, plants will grow bigger in hydroponic mediums such as coco. :hump:
you'll need to do a little research by reading peoples journals where coco is used.:smoking:
Coco is easy to grow in but it "is different from soil", although it kinda looks like soil, so read up on coco.:jointman:
With coco, use Calmag through out the grow!:wiz:
Just remember your brain is your greatest tool. research and reading members journals, will see you improve you grow knowledge and skills!:eyebrows:
Good luck guys. some really sexy grlz over here :worship:
Did you vote yet brother!:shrug:
Hard to decide eh..?:doh:
Just pick the two you would have been most proud to grow, if it were you!:vibe:
I hope to see you entering a solo cup comp,in the future!:thumbsup:
Practice makes perfect!:woohoo1:
One hint I will give is, plants will grow bigger in hydroponic mediums such as coco. :hump:
you'll need to do a little research by reading peoples journals where coco is used.:smoking:
Coco is easy to grow in but it "is different from soil", although it kinda looks like soil, so read up on coco.:jointman:
With coco, use Calmag through out the grow!:wiz:
Just remember your brain is your greatest tool. research and reading members journals, will see you improve you grow knowledge and skills!:eyebrows:
CalMag isn't needed for coco unless you are using subpar nutrients lacking those elements.