New Grower 200/300w CFL Auto Masszar tent grow in UK garage (Journal)

Jul 17, 2013
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Hi guys, long time lurker here. Finally got set up and hoping to learn a bit but also add a bit of value to the site. This is my first grow and I'll post pics of setup later this evening. For now here's a list of my equipment..

I should mention this was going to be an inside project but the tent wouldn't fit in my cupboard - any other idiots around here - a 140 tent probably isn't going to fit in a 140 cupboard because you have to build it in the cupboard. This revelation has meant relocating to the garage and buying extra equipment. Anyway I digress...

Two feminised Auto Masszar seeds from Gorilla Seeds
60 x 60 x 140 cm tent
2 x 10 litre pots
1500w oil filled radiator
Oscillating tower fan
Digital PH tester
Thermometer and humidity tester (doesn't record highs/lows which was a mistake)
5 metres 5" ducting (way too much)
Basic reflector
200w blue CFL bulb
300w red CFL bulb
5" Rhino hobby filter
125 speed fan (not sure of make but 2 speed)
2 segment timers (one for lighting 18/6 and one for turning on oscillating fan for 15 mins in every hour)
1 bottle of bloom and 1 bottle of flower nutrients
1 bag coco pro plus soil

Just waiting on the two feminised auto masszar seeds which should be here today/tomorrow then we're ready to go. I'll post pics when I get back from work. I'm a bit worried about temperature with it getting into winter in a garage in the UK but it's a small tent and the radiator seems to keep it warm so we'll see. Also not sure of when to use nutrients (I'll post pics of bottles later), humidity, or when to switch out the blue bulb for the red one. I'm going to LST which I think I understand but time will tell. Hopefully someone with a little knowledge will be along shortly to tell me I'm heading in the right direction and haven't made any serious errors so far...

With a bit of luck this journal will serve as a learning tool for me and as a guide for others in a similar situation - I think all in, with seeds tent, etc etc it came to £350 so if i get 2 ounces of smoke from two plants i'll be over the moon. So, unless anyone see's any glaring mistakes in my setup, it's time to get some pics up and germinate these seeds....first question of the grow - germinate in paper towel or glass of water?
Welcome Tinerrz

Garage growing is tough without solid walls and insulation. There is a UK grower with a novel and effective loft setup. Goes by the name Slater, worth looking up his grows.

Anyway congratulations on starting your first grow.
Thanks Jingo/Takkitime. Sorry I didn't get setup pics up last night, got caught up at work. Seeds not here yet though. Busy day today/tomorrow but free Fri so will definitely post pics then and will hopefully be germinating over the weekend.
hi and welcome :pass:
think you just set a record for lurking jul2013,im sure there must be a badge for that.
no memory hydr/thermo snap.
id be tempted to have a wiggle/thump/whack/chop at trying to get the tent back in the cupboard,could get mighty cold in the garage even with a 1500w heater on 24/7.
glass of water 12-24 hrs then paper towel in a lunch bag 24-72hr then chuck it in muck is my method.some even just whack the seed in muck and dont bother with any flaffage.
you got all the sure there are some non eejits can give better details on lights/nutes and how to grow than this one.
good luck n keep er lit.
Ok, seeds arrived! Will germinate Sunday....just going to make some notes for myself so I have a clear germination, watering, nutes schedule for the first couple of days/weeks. How do I post my pics? Instagram won't let me in (phone broke this week). Do I need a new instagram type account or can I post directly here? I'm a bit of a social-media-phobe.
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if you on a phone i have no idea.on pc bottom right upload a file button,pick a pic and
001 (26).JPG

have a cuppa tea.
Hello and welcome from another UKer! I agree with Archie, you should see if you can squeeze that tent into the cupboard, because you may get some scorching of leaves and buds once your plants are a reasonable size because of the radiator needing to be in the tent to keep it warm enough. You're really only giving them 1 square foot of space each with the rad and fan being in there too. You may get wind burn from the fan. Could you use a clip-on fan instead? I would also consider getting a tube heater if you need heat inside the tent. It could probably be mounted on one of the vertical poles so you would have more floor space.

I'm not trying to discourage you at all, just thinking how small those tents are (I have one too). You may not cover all your costs with your first grow - I certainly didn't (it was years ago and I went with a bigger tent and HPS light). I factor electricity usage in as well. I've only vegged under blue CFL, never done a full grow, although I do have a red one as well. My DIY grow abroad was done with "normal" energy efficient bulbs like we'd have indoors.

As for germination, I usually go with a wet paper towel in a sealed plastic box but this time I put the seeds straight into Root Riots as that was always my second stage.

This is a big adventure you've started, I wish you loads of luck! You can ask me questions all you like. :slap: Here is a slap of reputation for deciding to grow!
Hi mate, welcome from another UK dweller :welcome:

If you have to stay in the garage, have you thought about building an enclosure with insulating board? Reckon that would be quite effective with a sealed tent.

But I agree with Elle the best option would probably be inside if possible.

I don't agree with her about putting a tube heater vertically. Not recommended.