hey there folks, here are some pictures of the pc case this morning but as we know a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is a collection of pictures, therefore i can save some time with a video, so once a week we'll get a video update
here are the pictures while the video uploads to youtube
the first picture folks is of my glassware... i just thought i'd throw it up as i got some new glass yesterday, the new ones are the chillum on the right and the blue spoon at the bottom, both are colorchanging, i like them, they feel nice
the chillum in particular hits very nicely as i discovered last night
then there are the 6 bats, they hit so hard and are not too harsh with the smoke i have at the moment, like them a lot, and on the left is my first spoon loaded with some hash, kief, and bud ready for later
next up we have the images you'll see video of later of the inside of the pc case, enjoy, there'll be explanations later in the video,
this is my new Auto #1
this is my ASB
these are my bagseed which i have to decide what to do with