New Grower 1st Grow Journal - realNeat - AutoFem White Widow x3

Cheers to the new life!! The sisterhood is looking good so far!!
Day 10. Visually larger every 12hrs it seems like. Also, very fragrant. I first noticed the skunky scent yesterday and blew it off, but it's more pronounced this evening when sticking my head into the tent. I got down on hands and knees and this one is the most pungent. I've been supporting them with objects to keep them upright. Light bumped down to 32" now from 36".

Day 11. The model plant is 5" across the leaves; height has slowed, around 4-4.25"; still top-heavy and falling over on occasion.

I noticed something interesting this morning, and I am wondering what it means. Last night before bed, I lowered the COB to 32" from 36". This morning at first look, all of the plants were stretched super flat horizontally to the light. They were the widest and flattest I've ever seen them - they seemed to really be digging the light. As the day went on though, the two plants with mottled leaves began to fan slightly upward, tip first; looking somewhat like the shape of a "Y" instead of a "T" if looking from the side and dirt level. Any idea why they moved that way? Does it mean anything?

Day 12. So much more fragrant.. never thought they would begin to smell so early (Day 9).

Day 11. The model plant is 5" across the leaves; height has slowed, around 4-4.25"; still top-heavy and falling over on occasion.

I noticed something interesting this morning, and I am wondering what it means. Last night before bed, I lowered the COB to 32" from 36". This morning at first look, all of the plants were stretched super flat horizontally to the light. They were the widest and flattest I've ever seen them - they seemed to really be digging the light. As the day went on though, the two plants with mottled leaves began to fan slightly upward, tip first; looking somewhat like the shape of a "Y" instead of a "T" if looking from the side and dirt level. Any idea why they moved that way? Does it mean anything?

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Your plants have adjusted to your light, and now they're reaching up for a little bit more. That's a real good position to be in that means your plants are healthy and growing fast and enjoying their environment. Since they grow real fast at this time, I wouldn't lower the light I would just wait for them to grow into them and watch for them not to reach anymore. That will be your signal to raise them up a bit.
Your plants have adjusted to your light, and now they're reaching up for a little bit more. That's a real good position to be in that means your plants are healthy and growing fast and enjoying their environment. Since they grow real fast at this time, I wouldn't lower the light I would just wait for them to grow into them and watch for them not to reach anymore. That will be your signal to raise them up a bit.

Do I want them stretching right now though? My thought was to add the second light and give them what they'e asking for - responding to whatever they tell me after that.
Do I want them stretching right now though? My thought was to add the second light and give them what they'e asking for - responding to whatever they tell me after that.
It's personal preference. However, I like my plants a little hungry a little bit far away from the light source and a little bit lower temperature than their Max. That way if I have a problem they won't grow into a light or get overfed or burned Etc.

A lot of guys like to run right at the razor's Edge which is how you get the biggest yields, but I like to stay a little bit behind that cuz I'm just not that perfect of a grower.

The leaves reaching upward we typically call praying. That's different than getting a lot of space between your internode's. If you see your Internode space increasing then definitely lower your lights.
It's personal preference. However, I like my plants a little hungry a little bit far away from the light source and a little bit lower temperature than their Max. That way if I have a problem they won't grow into a light or get overfed or burned Etc.

A lot of guys like to run right at the razor's Edge which is how you get the biggest yields, but I like to stay a little bit behind that cuz I'm just not that perfect of a grower.

The leaves reaching upward we typically call praying. That's different than getting a lot of space between your internode's. If you see your Internode space increasing then definitely lower your lights.

Internodes would be leaf spawn points along the stalk, correct? What sort of distance would be too much vertically between internodes at Day 13ish.
I just added a second COB and finally put in a towers fan that is 48". It blows a little too hard on the lowest setting IMO in this 3x3 tent, but I'll keep my eye on them.

With two lights in the tent, temps have moved from upper 70s to lower 80s - is this too high?

Also, using the Accurate 8 soil pH probe, all of my soils are about 6.8-7.0 on scale.