New Grower 1st Grow Journal - realNeat - AutoFem White Widow x3

Day 6. Heights are 2.5"and 2x 3". True leaves, tip to tip, 1.75" on largest. Greater pronounced 2nd leaf set. Still one autocob on them all but now with an angelina reflector, 33" above. Just received another shipment from @BigSm0 for 2 more 3500ks and reflectors.

Day 6. Heights are 2.5"and 2x 3". True leaves, tip to tip, 1.75" on largest. Greater pronounced 2nd leaf set. Still one autocob on them all but now with an angelina reflector, 33" above. Just received another shipment from @BigSm0 for 2 more 3500ks and reflectors.

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Perky little bitch,keep it cooly baby,at this point just a little bit of everything.Mind if i tag along for a bit.Once you get it past two weeks its a done deal unless you really fuck up.LOLI have done plenty of that.Peace please
Perky little bitch,keep it cooly baby,at this point just a little bit of everything.Mind if i tag along for a bit.Once you get it past two weeks its a done deal unless you really fuck up.LOLI have done plenty of that.Peace please

Totally man, the more the merrier. This is the easy part for me since they went right into final pots with a nuted soil. Just checking on them 100 times a day and noting any little changes that I see. I'm ready for them to get crazy - in a good way! I'm also thinking ahead to some next steps... will I tuck, pull (LST), top? What will my feed schedule look like (Fox Farms)? etc etc
Totally man, the more the merrier. This is the easy part for me since they went right into final pots with a nuted soil. Just checking on them 100 times a day and noting any little changes that I see. I'm ready for them to get crazy - in a good way! I'm also thinking ahead to some next steps... will I tuck, pull (LST), top? What will my feed schedule look like (Fox Farms)? etc etc
I used Fox Farm on my first grow,pretty good regime.I am strictly organic.My plants have looked better since changing to organics.To me its much easier.My soil is water only,with teas and top dressings.Whatever style you go with,you have to find your own path.Good start Tho.Peace please
I used Fox Farm on my first grow,pretty good regime.I am strictly organic.My plants have looked better since changing to organics.To me its much easier.My soil is water only,with teas and top dressings.Whatever style you go with,you have to find your own path.Good start Tho.Peace please

What soil/medium do you use? How does a tea work?
I use my super soil,i started my mix 4 years ago,it is approx.40% peat i am currently adding more coco coir when it needs remixing.I like the water retention of coco better.There is a whole section on teas.@eyesonfire has some good templates for some good teas,in the organic section My mix is loosely based on the Revs mix.The neat part you can invent your own.The best part it is totally renewable.Some fast autos will go with just water only.No need to PH anything.I just give a small calmag dose every other watering.The longer you use your soil the better it gets.Cruise thru the organic section and check it out.Peace Please.
Day 7. I turned on a 2nd autocob today with reflector and noticed after a few hours that this guy had fallen over into the dirt.. He's been my
photo model. I turned off a light after that and went back to only one and everything's been fine since. I think it had gotten a little too warm in there (low 80s).
Heights are 3" and 2x 3.25". Largest leaf width is now 2.5".

It's now morning, and when I checked on them a different plant had fallen over this time. He was laying down, but his face and smile facing perfectly up toward the artificial sun. It is 77 degrees. I think now that maybe they're just simply getting top-heavy. I've had a fan on them 24/7 for the last couple days - a small 6" clip-on. The best looking and strongest stem is now on the runt of the three. It isn't so runty anymore and has become my favorite of the three.
They are very fragile at that age,Once you get them past two weeks they will be fine.Over watering is usually the cause at that tender age.And sometimes they just fall over.And sometime they Stretch to much do to lights being to high over the canopy..If they don,t make it just plant some more.I have killed my fair share of seedlings.LOLSending you good vibes bro.Peace please