I like to water daily once the plants are mature and that's what gives you the really big monsters.
So if you're pH of the background water is 8 you probably have fairly alkaline water and it's probably a good idea to start off with distilled just to make sure. But if you get a parts per million meter and you figure out just what your total dissolved solids are you might find yourself just cutting your water with some distilled or since you're in soil maybe watering every third or fourth water with your tap water and then using distilled there's all kinds of ways to go about dealing with High background pH Etc.
I always checked my soil PH before I started, but I never checked it after I started. Although I see a lot of guys on this farm that just swear by that now I forget which probe they're using for soil but they seem to like it.
looks like a the start of a great thread . seems like you know what your doingI'm be watch your thread the white widows have been on my list of stuff I need for a while lol , anyways cheers man and good luck on ur grow
I wouldn't pull seed casings off unless you absolutely have to. If a person is having a lot of seed casing staying on there's two problems that they need to overcome. One is a need to soak that seed for 24 to 36 hours before they go into the paper towel or sew directly so into soil. The other is you simply have to plant them a little bit deeper. They'll tear their own casings off if it's done that way.