New Grower 1st Grow Journal - realNeat - AutoFem White Widow x3

Here are the Widows after about 48-56 hours. I think I need a little more root action before potting.

Coco can approach Hydro in yields. It just depends on how often you feed. If you decide to water like most people water soil then you end up with a girl that is very much like soil. But I like to water daily once the plants are mature and that's what gives you the really big monsters.

So if you're pH of the background water is 8 you probably have fairly alkaline water and it's probably a good idea to start off with distilled just to make sure. But if you get a parts per million meter and you figure out just what your total dissolved solids are you might find yourself just cutting your water with some distilled or since you're in soil maybe watering every third or fourth water with your tap water and then using distilled there's all kinds of ways to go about dealing with High background pH Etc.

I grow using reverse osmosis water and it's worth while getting a system if you find you need to use distilled water to grow. Even a cheap system that you find it someplace like Home Depot does a good job but you need a large storage tank and the biggest ones I've seen for reverse osmosis systems least the cheap systems are round 14 and 15 gallons.

I always checked my soil PH before I started, but I never checked it after I started. Although I see a lot of guys on this farm that just swear by that now I forget which probe they're using for soil but they seem to like it.
looks like a the start of a great thread . seems like you know what your doing :d5::greenthumb: I'm be watch your thread the white widows have been on my list of stuff I need for a while lol , anyways cheers man and good luck on ur grow:cool1::slap:
I like to water daily once the plants are mature and that's what gives you the really big monsters.

So if you're pH of the background water is 8 you probably have fairly alkaline water and it's probably a good idea to start off with distilled just to make sure. But if you get a parts per million meter and you figure out just what your total dissolved solids are you might find yourself just cutting your water with some distilled or since you're in soil maybe watering every third or fourth water with your tap water and then using distilled there's all kinds of ways to go about dealing with High background pH Etc.

I always checked my soil PH before I started, but I never checked it after I started. Although I see a lot of guys on this farm that just swear by that now I forget which probe they're using for soil but they seem to like it.

I just picked up 4 gallons of distilled water at $1 per gal. Gonna test it now and may just use this stuff throughout, or at least until I get tired of running to the store. I'll see what Sam's Club/Costco have for bulk.

*EDIT* The distilled water came out a perfect 6 on pH. The added ease of just grabbing a gallon already to go by the handle is great. Will be simple to add nutes to, re-test quickly, and then store if I want to. Beats holding a jug under the little water dispenser on my fridge over and over.

looks like a the start of a great thread . seems like you know what your doing :d5::greenthumb: I'm be watch your thread the white widows have been on my list of stuff I need for a while lol , anyways cheers man and good luck on ur grow:cool1::slap:

Thank you very much iWumbo. I've just done a lot of reading and prep, but I'm still a total experience noob. It will be invaluable help for me having many of you guys monitor and suggest along the journey.
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I had it wrong. We're at about 72 hours now total and about 8 hours from that last pic. One seed's root has extended enough that I'm going to put into soil right now. The other two should be good to go in another 8-16 hours I am guessing.


I just saw a video on YouTube where a guy growing Autos likes to manually pull the seed casings off the sprouts once they've broken out of the soil... I may try that but obviously worried about decapitating the little guys. We'll see.
I wouldn't pull seed casings off unless you absolutely have to. If a person is having a lot of seed casing staying on there's two problems that they need to overcome. One is a need to soak that seed for 24 to 36 hours before they go into the paper towel or sew directly so into soil. The other is you simply have to plant them a little bit deeper. They'll tear their own casings off if it's done that way.
I wouldn't pull seed casings off unless you absolutely have to. If a person is having a lot of seed casing staying on there's two problems that they need to overcome. One is a need to soak that seed for 24 to 36 hours before they go into the paper towel or sew directly so into soil. The other is you simply have to plant them a little bit deeper. They'll tear their own casings off if it's done that way.

Yep. This guy spun it as "the secret method" to getting things going quicker. I saw it as dangerous.
I agree. Im no pro by any means but seems like questionable advice. Would strongly recommend great care. Seeds cost so much why risk it. But then again nothing ventured nothing gain. Best of luck either way.
4 days since germination; 24 hours in soil. One other like this and the third is slower. I check on them a lot and lightly misting with water. I've had 1 AutoCob on and centered between the 3 pots - right at 38" to top of soil. My Galaxy S5 doesn't take the clearest, most colorful photos... shucks.

36 hours in soil and moving right along. Again, two of the three are like this, and I "assisted" the seed casings off very gently with my fingertip. The third plant has finally risen out of the soil, but he's still wearing his hat securely.
