Hey Elvis, thanks for passing by! I am about to order Rino Skin for silica and will also get Voodoo Juice while I'm at it.
I did something stupid when I filled the pot - as I started this girl 2 weeks earlier than the 2 others (that are still germinating), so I thought that by putting less soil for the first plant, I'd manage to have them all at the same height by putting more soil in the 2 other pots. What I didn't realise at the time was that the plant was going to grow horizontally more so than vertically in the first weeks... I'd definitely put more soil for the next to come.
By the way I am starting to wonder whether I should grow 3 or just 2 plants at the same time. I was initially looking at 4 plants (the cabinet is supposed to be able to host 4 or 9 pots depending on the pots' size - 4 18L pots or 9 6L pots), but it was way too ambitious for a first grow. I think I can handle 2 or 3 at the same time though, giving them plenty of my time and effort.
Hey Elsamurai! Thanks for your comment

I have heard that plants, when growing up and flowering, absorb more light than they do when they are still young, and therefore help reduce heat in the cabinet. So if I put say 3 plants in there, would that help reduce heat even more? With the humidifier near the cabinet, temperature has gone down to around 22-23 degrees, and humidity has risen up to 70 percent!
I have the Honeywell turbo fan in the cabinet, but I sometimes turn it down because I think it might make the air drier and I am not so sure whether the plant likes so much air circulating around all the time...
Thanks guys! I'll be posting the usual daily pic a bit later in the day.