New Grower 1st grow - Dinafem Fruit Auto - harvested!

So let me get this straight....your husband needs meds, YOU have grown him a truly great specimen of a cannabis plant, it’s ripe and ready to chop, and he’s not happy with it? :nono:

If this is the case, I’d suggest you have a grow battle with him and see what he comes up with. :thumbsup:

You’ve done a great job on your first grow and it sounds like you’ve caught the growing bug like the rest of us, I’ll be watching your next grow also. Good luck @Trooperwife
I really got addicted to the growing and thanks again for the kind words!! He just takes me for granted,lol

I am doing a Bubba Kush Auto as well, pop in to have a look if you have time :biggrin:
You'll get plenty from us! :bighug:

It'll need drying before jarring, in a brown paper bag for a couple days is easiest :smokeit:

A brown paper bag is much better - you need something to absorb the moisture :)


Thanks guys, done and done! Now... wait again,lol

It smells so lovely, very grapefruity............
Is it to be smoked or vaped?

It will be smoked. He tried vaping before but didn't get on with it as it uses way too much. But I have been looking around, may try other brand later consider I am growing my own.Hopefully it won't be long I can save up plenty of reserve because I really can't stop growing,lol
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Day 67 - Sample has been picked and dried and tasted :smoking: Husband approves of her so the flushing started (I just feed normally but with no nutes, plain pH 5.8 water only, didn't flush till run off) ! She smelled and tasted the same, very grapefruit like and husband said it was the stoned, relax one, not head high and didn't hit you at once but gently and slowly. I shared it with husband last night as I don't smoke too often but I got to try my own grown! you know what? I got myself stoned :smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:

A full smoke report will be posted once she is fully done, harvest, dry and cure!!

She has more cloudy now, about 40%, but I see quite a bit of amber so I think it is the time!!!!

Day 67 (1).jpg Day 67 (2).jpg Day 67 (3).jpg
Day 67 - Sample has been picked and dried and tasted :smoking: Husband approves of her so the flushing started (I just feed normally but with no nutes, plain pH 5.8 water only, didn't flush till run off) ! She smelled and tasted the same, very grapefruit like and husband said it was the stoned, relax one, not head high and didn't hit you at once but gently and slowly. I shared it with husband last night as I don't smoke too often but I got to try my own grown! you know what? I got myself stoned :smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:

A full smoke report will be posted once she is fully done, harvest, dry and cure!!

She has more cloudy now, about 40%, but I see quite a bit of amber so I think it is the time!!!!

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Awesome stuff! Delighted you both got stoned :pass::smokeout:
Well done!! Don’t be afraid to water to run off, it will help rinse out the nutes built up in the medium and force the plant to feed on its stored nutes, hence the fading of leaves.
Awesome stuff! Delighted you both got stoned :pass::smokeout:

lol, it was awesome to smoke something that was grown by myself, and it got me really stoned :pass:

Well done!! Don’t be afraid to water to run off, it will help rinse out the nutes built up in the medium and force the plant to feed on its stored nutes, hence the fading of leaves.

I didn't water with run off as I have a small grow space, it's not easy to collect the run off but I will give it a try tomorrow, no guarantee tho,lol