This may sound funny, but since its my 1st grow, frankly I really don't know exactly how I want the buds to look. But I will say, I'm liking their looks more and more each week. LOL. I just don't want to go past the point of "over-done." Thanks for the re-assurance on the leaf yellowing. I won't worry -- just focus on the buds and trichs. I don't think it will hurt to go several more days.
Many thanks for the REP. And also for confirming my suspicion that using a flushing agent (like AN's Flawless Finish) might impact the leaf yellowing. My plain RO water has PPM of about 3. When I add the Flawless Finish, it comes up to 107. Today I cut back the

to 50% strength, and from tomorrow on it will be nothing but pure RO water, pH'ed to 6.0.
You guys are the best !