Fast Buds 1'st FastBuds Grow LSD-25 & West Coast OG

so they seem to be ok with the lights, i went out and got a mini humidifier to keep up RH a little and also got 2 more 1600K cfls to add for them.
West Coast OG: Her one cotyledon is kinda worrying me :-/

LSD-25: shes looking great she is the best looking out of the 4 autos i have in this tent, shes also bigger than any other

I started them on .5ml/L(light dose) of rapid start root stimulator today so we will see how they react...
Nice, tripaholic88! Thanks for this thread. Looks very good!
Have a nice grow!
Does you or your team know what these 2 girls like/react to best @FastBuds? LST,natural, ect and any tips on these 2?
Nice, tripaholic88! Thanks for this thread. Looks very good!
Have a nice grow!
you guys have some tempting gear that i definitely wanna check out after these... as being my first grow i wanted to try out 2 of your strains because i've heard great things about them
@tripaholic88 Elsamurai grew out some LSD's and his natural did considerably better than his trained girls. I had all mine trained until week 4-5 then I saw his journal and untied them all lol
Wow he had a nice log... thanks for that @Herbisaur !!
I watered and lightly fed them some rapid start rooting enhancer yesterday(day 3) they seem to be taking to it fine :)

Mars Hydro Reflector 96x5 was at 26" yesterday and they seem to be loving this LED so I reduced the distance to 24". I will monitor it and if its unfavorable i will raise it back to 26" if not i will leave it here for a little while

This is a ph meter i got a lowes i use it now for the light meter Light at 24"

RH seems to be fine as well as temps :)

Well thats all the pic for now I plan on putting alot of pics up on my grow log so stay tuned!! :growing:
ok guys things are looking good IMO

Today i received some more of my nutes which included: Piranha,Tarantula,Carboload and Flawless Finish(not Pictured as i dont need em yet).So since i didnt get to pre-treat my soil with Piranha (i have 3 ml pipettets that i will be using to measure nutes) AN recommends 2Mls so I gave the Auto AK 1.5 mls of piranha right to the hole in the cube this morning. I also added 1Ml of Piranha to the other 3.tonight or tomorrow (im leaving fri afternoon till sun afternoon i think they will be fine for 2 days) they will get a light feeding of root stimulator, 1ML/L Voodoo Juice,and Tarantula if they take well to the Piranha i put in today.. And i Will start Tangs improved feeding schedual on day 10 which is on monday. :)

I need to come up with names... untill then they will be referred to as
The Ladies:
LSD-25: She's about an 1.25" Tall

West Coast OG seems to be doing well, she is the tallest of the bunch at almost 1.5" Tall

So there ya go thats where we are at on day 5:cheers:
***Late Update****
Day 9: All were fed 2ML/L AN Piranha,Tarantula,Voodoo juice,Carboload,1ML/L Sensi Grow A&B
I started feeding sensi grow on day 7
Tent is looking good i think... Light is 24" from the tallest lady (OG). Temp is 79*F RH is 60%

West Coast OG: Shes the tallest out of the bunch at 2" slight rust spot on her as well, might be potassium lockout?



And The LSD-25: slight waviness in her first set of leave but i have heard/seen this on other lsd-25's so im not fretting it... Otherwise she is looking great. she has purple stems so im hoping this is onto something even though i know purple stems in seedlings is VERY common haha just trying to be optimistic :)

so there ya go day 9!!!:woohoo1::smokeout:


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the thumbnails are not the right pics but the full sized ones are... i cant edit them out for some reason