New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

Measured light it was at 26 inches I added a bottom to catch water when I water them and it made them closer but not that much really but would it cause this 15594824007171513361153.jpg 1559482451637904490503.jpg 1559482470306300431932.jpg 1559482502186913025035.jpgthats what it is now after pulling up the slack so might've been 24 inches overnight
Thats no bueno! Spots and such could be anything right? Bugs, deficiencies, lockout, over/under watering, could be light burn if there was water droplets on the plant under the light.
Edit- just now saw your pics lol
Those are some weird spots! Hopefully someone with some wisdom comes along.
I dont really know anything about any of this stuff but ill run my mouth like i do lol.
Here ya go, imma offer up my crackpot theory. Mind you i am elevated af this morning but here goes.
Between the soil being a little hot for the seedlings and the nutes you gave em in the first week theyve got a lil nute burn going on which is now showing up on the new growth.
If that were the case a good flush with straight water might help reset the soil. Maybe wait till the next water/feed day and flush and then water with just water for a week.
Take that with a grain of salt cause i am def a noob!
Also be ready for all of us internet warriors to tell you to get a ph meter to check your water! If youre ph is messed up then it doesnt matter how well you nail the nutes it seems.
Lol thanks man lol I don't get it but what you said makes sense but I figured it would've showed before know but I am a newb to autos photos mostly they ain't as bad you can let em go n do their thing n play with em n they'll be ok just veg a lil longer n make it up lol not everyone's thought but mine lol I hope it's a fluke thing n gone
More than likely water droplets from feeding, btw I wouldn't feed yet if you are in a super soil.