New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

hey there trav! me almost lost track of ya in the latest shuffle of thingz, lol :tongue: soooo glad to see ur babiez are doin ok out in the world :thumbsup::biggrin: ppp
I messed daya somw how yesterday was day 47 and today's day 48
  1. Day [HASHTAG]#48[/HASHTAG] could only get a pic of 1 royal dwarf she's the one in small bucket but she was super droopy from the rain and the spot was shaded so had to move her again but I'll find the perfect spot lol
Hey guys gotta question since I can't get pic til later ok my blue dream'matic has some new growth leaves that are dead and curled up and blackish or brownish like rot it's rained a ton of last week but majorly poured last night could it just be overwater causing root rot
Thats no bueno, could very well be! Hopefully somebody with some know how will have a remedy.
Course aint no tellin without being able to see it but sounds like a reasonable guess, too much water has the roots soggy
It's hard to get pics now they are outside in the woods and I gotta watch so I don't have anyone noticing me going to the spot lol
If it's rot cut it away. Even if it's suspect. Don't want to ruin ze rest of the crop!
Hey guys gotta question since I can't get pic til later ok my blue dream'matic has some new growth leaves that are dead and curled up and blackish or brownish like rot it's rained a ton of last week but majorly poured last night could it just be overwater causing root rot
Bud rot usually takes a while. I moved a male out to Sun from my room and it burnt his leaves, may just need some time to get used to new light.