New Grower 1st Autopot/Autoflower Run: 2 Toof Decay by Mephisto Genetics!

@Saven I am also growing in Auto pots, however in a 1.2 x 1.2m tent. I have been enjoying your posts and while I have been growing for many years, Its always nice to see, hear and follow other grows. I have to date never posted or asked questions or commented on forums on this subject, so this will be the very first one. I am going to post some pics here for you to see my setup.

Good luck, you're doing really well!

Attached are some photos of my girls in early flowering - we have some time to go still and its mad hot where I am growing them.View attachment 1274276View attachment 1274277View attachment 1274278View attachment 1274279View attachment 1274280View attachment 1274281

@Mods as a caveat I would like to state these are photoperiod girls - I am not sure if its ok to post them here, if not, let me know or delete them.

This looks amazing! You have it all Scrogged too. I love seeing people post their grows, and I’m glad I was part of the reason why you decided to!
Day 49: (01/09/21)
Day 49: (01/09/21)



If you're a new grower and you read online about defoliation you're going to get like 50 different answers. I defoliated every fan leaf that was blocking budsites and also all the small bullshit that was never going to get adequate light either.

A couple of you like the obnoxious amount of pictures I post so here's all the leaves I plucked.

Day 50: (01/10/21): Swapping to Bloom feeding schedule of Megacrop 2 Part
Day 50: (01/10/21): Swapping to Bloom feeding schedule of Megacrop 2 Part

Oh, and the plant on the right just won't stop stretching! Ever since I introduced a bit of sleep (4 hours in the 20/4 cycle) when the plant starts getting droopy around 4-5PM, she's been growing a lot better. Might be placebo but thought I'd still mention it.



Big and healthy! Plan on doing anymore defoliation?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be forced to. The humidity is steadily in the 50's even though I'm maxing out my 240w QB. Somethings going to have to give and I think I'll try stripping more leaves down.

EDIT: I'm going to wait to defoliate though. I'm more of a stress a lot at once and let it heal rather than stress a bit every day mindset.