Indoor $1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile?

$1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile?

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I wanted to give a brief update. My lindaseed plants are going strong but I noticed 3/4 of them show some unusual growth, mainly three leaf fan leaves when they are already beyond the 3rd node.... But the growing is strong with them.
The worst mutations I've ever seen personally, were all from Sweet Seeds. Now I love Sweer Seeds Trainwreck and Green Poison, but their Ice Cool and Red Poison absolutely sucked and never grew right! Funky looking leaves early in growth often don't mean much, plants do strange things. If its stunted or grows poorly then its the compost bin for it lol! Let it grow, it will likely be fine!

I wanted to give a brief update. My lindaseed plants are going strong but I noticed 3/4 of them show some unusual growth, mainly three leaf fan leaves when they are already beyond the 3rd node.... But the growing is strong with them.
She looks fine! Hybrids do all kinds of funky things sometimes early in growth.

Here are some of the ones I'm growing. My lindaseed CBD jack here is a little mutant but they are all doing good at 14 days old.

The Blueberry auto was better than I'd hoped for. I love the bud and with a good grow, you'll get a decent harvest! Seems like they like small pots, they produced very well in 4L pots!

No worries @pop22 you have done a good service. You've shown us they are good. Not your fault things didnt go right. I had my dwc monster just up and drown on me so I know the feeling of being bummed just like that so close to the end. I guess now I'm gonna have to try some of those 1.50 seeds now that I now they work well. Was waiting for the threads conclusion. You convinced me.
Good job!
The Blueberry auto was better than I'd hoped for. I love the bud and with a good grow, you'll get a decent harvest! Seems like they like small pots, they produced very well in 4L pots!
All of these except the back right are Lindaseeds. Essentially starting week 4 today. I'm pretty happy with the progress. Thanks for the positive vibes pop! I'm staying confident this is going to turn out well.
The thing is that the day of the $10-20 seeds is going to pass as the plants become legalized and strains get more streamlined. I see a day in not too many years where 7-8 strains of ganja seed will be hanging on the rack in the garden asile between the pepper and tomato seeds.

That's why it's so critical that we early adopters secure great genetics for our stash now. When Mephisto and Dutch Passion are gone we'll still have the legacy of their hard work.

Can I trade with you Arch, when that happens?
Can I trade with you Arch, when that happens?

You guys keep me in mind too then you hear! I'm getting there, building my lineage. It's going to be great you know, seriously!

Heck yeah. I'm working on making regular version of several Mephisto and Portal seeds right now. I'll maintain a lifetime supply of AvT, White Crack, Blue Toof, Citrus Noir, Goldwalker and Stone Dragon to share with anyone. All my favorites from now until I'm as old as @MrOldBoy

Yoyo! Just wanted to say I'm happy with my current run off the Lindaseeds beans and placed another order yesterday for about 50 more :)

I'm gonna stop ordering seeds now. I have far too much to every run out, especially if I make a few of my own crosses.