Indoor Bill's Test Thread

66 days
Ok kittens, plants nearing the finish line. So far not suffering from as much deficiencies as I normally get in flowering. Will break out the microscope this week and check.

Deficiencies showing in fan leaves.

Maybe another 2 to 4 weeks.
78 days
Just waiting on the last bit of water to drain from reservoir and will be chopping. Did pretty nicely for Osmocote and water.
Some flash pics
Wanting to do another using same soil and my GT seeds if I can figure out the home life situation. Thinking a write up on keeping things simple could help out new growers who get overwhelmed by all the info and styles of doing auto's.
Wanting to do another using same soil and my GT seeds if I can figure out the home life situation. Thinking a write up on keeping things simple could help out new growers who get overwhelmed by all the info and styles of doing auto's.
A "KISS' grow for new growers could get them a good grow under their belt.

KISS....... Keep It Simple Stupid :eyebrows: :funny:
Simplifying a grow to bare essentials and as cheaply as I can.
Round 2 of the Osmocote Experiment:
Been a couple weeks, been busy with life but the testing never really stops.....Same soil from the last 2 grows has been cooked to kill off the bad things..Mostly fungus Gnats...baked at 200 F for 30 minutes....which will kill any good stuff as well but I can reintroduce that....Added Osmocote at 1.5 scoops per pot...Took my time, cleaned the tent really well with bleach and water mix......waited a few days and did it again for good measure, wiped down all lights, ducting, rachet straps etc......washed the filter sock and strap cords....cleaned up the autopots....It's all as clean as I can get it.....refilled the pots and set in place to get to room temp, dropped 12 beans, 4 GT (S1), 4 GT (F1) and 4 Big Ticket ( GT x Big Bomb cross ). Less than 48 hours all had 1/4 to 1/2 inch tails so carefully placed in pots ( 2 per pot ) and a day later we have have signs of life. Waiting on life from all 6 pots to call a start date on this grow, thinking sometime this weekend so will post pics at that time.
Start Day
OK, gonna call it a start. 3 sets of 2 from my seeding test of the DIY STS test. Golden Ticket freebies that were selfed (S1), crossed back (F1) and crossed with Big Bomb from Bomb Seeds (Big Ticket). 4 of each were soaked then planted 2 per pot.
S1's are from 1st planting,

had a no show on 1st planting of BT in 1 pot so dropped 2 more in and watered...think the first pic is from those (might be another popping up in a day or 2)


Same with the F1's

Viability ( all of the first batch sprouted in water) and sudden cold temps the past few days are certainly adding to the slow start, but we seem to be off to the races now...
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3days in
S1's still only singles so far....

Big Ticket's gave up another seedling

and a double on the F1's

Might just keep the doubles and tie em down to see how 2 per pot run since I have no idea on what size they'll be.
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