My Hawaiian Pidgin is way rusty
I will confess that I had to look up the spellin'!
I had a lot of good Hawaiian friends and they considered me kama’aina.
Now, I did seem to have a bit of a problem with Samoans. I'm pretty sure it was just their social thing with them and me being a
big very fit
white guy!
And being a typical "
big very fit
white guy", most definitely my first thought was not bowing down.

My first run in with one was completely 100% innocent on my part. It seems this one Samoan didn't particularly care for where I parked my truck at the drive in. Pickups were either the very first row or the very last row. I picked the row! And him did not like that at all!
I had just got my truck off the boat! I actually had a three day weekend! And I had this nice really tall, almost as tall as me, brunette with lovely blue eyes that just moved from Oklahoma City and she was an engineering graduate. I
really didn't want a bunch of crap!
Evidently he had been somewhere else getting popcorn or something or taking a whiz and he comes back and finds us parked, because we'd been there for quite a while before I started hearing hollering. The girl didn't want me to get out of the truck comment but I told her, "I'm here to fight. I'm only here to have fun with you!"
I push that pride back a bit after a bit of a discussion and told him that I would move. Where this turned wrong was his comment after I said I would move.
" That's right! Pussy!"

Not counting the night that I met her, this is only our second date, so this girl knew very little about me, actually, But I did quite clearly hear her exclaim,
"Oh Shit!" Just maybe. by chance, possibly she might have been tipped off by the look of my face and my instant tense up.

I guess if this guy really really wants it, there might just be a possibility, he might get what he wants. Well evidently he really did want it. As soon as I turned around and was about to say something to me, this big boy made a charge! His charging was his first and last mistake. I dodged and swept his legs and crashed him into the front bumper of my truck with his head. Not to underestimate this big MF, I buried an elbow deep into his back between his shoulder blades. That was the least lethal maneuver I could come up with on such short notice.

I was Really pretty surprised that laid his ASS OUT that quickly. I really didn't want to give him any sort of chance at all! I was around 270-275 at the time and he had me by at least 120. He was pretty fat, but there was
definitely muscle underneath it!
I was fully expecting his buddies to come and just jump my ass, but they just picked him up and carried him back to their car. I got up and left!
And that actually turned out to be a pretty damn good night..............eeeerrrrr....weekend!
