Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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I drove for 6 hours cuz I don't want to go home... Feels like I don't have one
Just tell your aunt u work in and around enough septic tanks that she better shape up unless she wants to wake up in 1! ;) :rofl:

I need to move to a legal state so if u get rid of her and need a roommate just let me know! :eyebrows::crying:
I truly believe that you can never have enough tools in your box so I’ll be giving it a try.
Check out the Lookah seahorse X! Its super versatile and won’t break da bank! ;)

Can use it as a handheld dab vape, an electric dab straw, and includes a whip to attach it to your bong! Only $150! :d5:
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