Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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@Mossy I got an email for this 420 sale, since you were asking thought I'd post it here.
Seed Cellar sale goes through 4/27
Gotta go mow backyard now before it starts raining! Hopefully humidity don’t kill me but at least i am starting in right frame of mind! Be nice when i can just take a blunt out with me and puff it with no worries! :thumbsup::cooldance:


If i lived 9 miles north in Denton they voted to decriminalize it so i could puff outside with only risk of a ticket if they really wanted to bother me! Sucks we are whats called a “home rule” state so no option to get signatures for a statewide canna ballot! Unless people at the capitol do it we can only get signatures and vote 1 city at a time! 2019 we had 1 city vote to do it (Austin) and in 2021 we had 5! Every city where it went on ballot was voted yes with between 64-79% voting in favor of it so u would think they would see its time to stop making it difficult on us and just do it statewide!

Ok weed rant over be back :d5:
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