AJs Land of Random Thoughts

The View From The Tent
Some Barneys Farm Pineapple Express getting close to chop another 2 weeks or so.
Barneys Farm Pineapple Express.jpg
Tiny Pots
12/28 update girls are moving along. Never ran the Heisenberg in normal container so I am not sure if she was supposed to be a big girl or not but it looks like she is.
TIny Pots 4LSD 1 Heisenberg.jpg
@Suki813 Found this chart below that is similar to what I have used for FFJ and FPJ. My favorite was made out of bannana peels and beets. We have a huge outdoor garden and we can a lot so at the end of summer there are always scraps to use.

This website gives you a breakdown of what works and how. definitely check out his recipes on the side for different inputs. You can experiment some. I know someone on here years ago used to swear by FFJ made out of aloe leaves.

http://www.cgnfindia.com/ffj.html now I would not apply everything he says to cannabis, but his recipes and instructions are very good. I think they are in India. KNF is very popular there and many other rural nations without agriculture infrastructure because it is cheap and self sufficient.

I usually reamend and use KNF for beneficials and treating deficiencies, one of these days I am going to set up one pot that is just KNF no reamending at all. I just have not gotten to it yet. :pass:

I saw that you mentioned mulch in another post for you organic grow.

I have used everything under the sun the only thing I would stay away from is pine needles as they are acidic. Any thing wood based will eat up some of your nitrogen, but its really not that big a deal. If your doing it right you will have plenty of N. I actually use leaves out of the yard mostly as that is what I use in my garden. I will shred up a bunch in the fall put them in paper grocery bags staple them shut and wait awhile to make sure I do not have any pests. I used to use rice hulls after I quite putting them in my soil mix when I switched to pumice. The rice hulls would break down and I would loose my aeration. As a mulch they are ideal as you can get a 7 cubic foot bag for like 20 bucks here. Which will last you a damn lifetime plus when they break down they add silica to the soil.

Right now I am using the stems and branches from my chopped plants just shredding them and throwing them on top then some leaves on top of that. You want a decent layer of mulch for your mycorrhiza to grow and thrive it also keeps it from drying out.

Long story short I have used about damn near everything (pistachio hulls one time) and it all works as long as It breaks down and is not acidic. In all reality you can use cardboard (would be a damn mess) if your so inclined. I thought you mentioned rabbit bedding or something like that. It should work again if it is wood and not composted down it will leach some N but you can adjust most people have more N than they need for autos organically in my opinion.

Will save you some watering as well.

Once the mulch really starts to break down I will mix it in the bottom layer of it with the soil when I reamend after chop then what was in the middle and top gets put back on and another layer goes on top. So mine is actually a hodgepodge sometimes. With rice hulls, leaves, branches and stems. I tried cannabis leaves once but when you dry them out there is not much there and it does a poor job. I usually will through some on the bottom layer (my logic is it doesn't hurt and the worms will eat them).
Yeah I've got Timothy hay, orchard grass, and pine flakes on hand. I've got the soil covered with black plastic (cut open a contractor bag) at the moment but wasn't sure if that was the best option or if I should do something else. I've got a crazy amount of white fuzziness going on the top of the soil, I'll have to take a pic tomorrow.
Yeah I've got Timothy hay, orchard grass, and pine flakes on hand. I've got the soil covered with black plastic (cut open a contractor bag) at the moment but wasn't sure if that was the best option or if I should do something else. I've got a crazy amount of white fuzziness going on the top of the soil, I'll have to take a pic tomorrow.
Yeah a bag works that is what I use when it is just soil.
What's that?
Bokashi its microbes you add to wheat bran and dry it then you can add it to your soil. The microbes (LAB a KNF recipe) is a dynamic composter and breaks down amendments and old roots left in your soil faster. Bokashi also encourages all the fuzzy white stuff. It is fairly cheap to buy but since I make LAB from time to time anyway I just started making bokashi then I can add it to my soil whenever needed without going through the rice water and fermenting stages of LAB. I do not know if they are directly interchangeable working on figuring that out.

I have a bulk bag of Mycorrhiza(from buildasoil of course) I use as well when I first drop in a seeding. Those are the only beneficial I add anymore. I seem to get as much activity from those two things as I did all the expensive stuff you can buy.
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FWIW I just ordered some jute burlap to use as a cover/mulch. Wanted something easy to remove and replace. We'll see how it goes. I figure 2-3 layers should be reasonably effective for moisture retention.
That's actually a really good idea. I never thought of that and the jute will break down as well over time. Probably less mess as well. If you look at my plant pictures I always have mulch all over the damn place.