AJs Land of Random Thoughts

:doh: That bites mate, seems the odds have caught up on you... I think that's their shell game BS, so typical of undercooked genetics :bummer:
With auto's it's even worse I think, due to the lack of cloning options... Even the good houses get significant drift.
I'm a freak magnet myself- :rofl: - I get low% pheno expressions all the damn time! ...For example: I'm 0/2 on bubblegum aroma with Meph's HBSS and HBHz, even struck out on a THSeeds BBgum a while back...:doh:

Yup, seeds are always a gamble! Certainly some more than others...:rolleyes1:
Another example: SSSC Lava Freeze testing was a joker run IMO, at only F3 what the green fek did those hosers think was going to happen?! Exactly what happened: most all got wide expressions, and worse, most of the pheno's were inferior. Leafy, slow, poor yielding, spotty potency results... It took 2 runs on some people to get nice results, those brave and kind enough to bother at least!

I'm finding that the smaller boutique breeders often show better, more consistently... some are less $$ too, but some truth still lies in you get what ya pay for!
LBH is one of the best buys out there- :biggrin:
Do you check out the small seed banks much AJ? Like Old Sage, or Green Grass Seeds (our home-girl Rebel owns that!). Some fine stuff found there, including a former repro' contractor for Meph', IamPepe, now with his own gig Twisted Tree... Night Owl's Daz/GBD, another former minion...
It was definitely an experiment which I do not regret. I have loved their photos so far. I think autos are just super hot and people feel they have to offer them regardless if it is in their wheelhouse or not. I not saying some of these house lines cant be good I have ran multiple seedsman over the years with no issues.

I have also been looking at Blimburn seeds just ran their black mamba and she is a skunk beast and their catalog looks pretty good. but they are on the pricier side, sometimes it is better to pay to much than to little.

I use rebel quite a bit. I have grown quite a few of the SoFem line I have a pack of Twisted Tree just not got to it yet. Also ordered some Urkle Photos from Granny Witch Seeds on there not sure who they are, but I have been wanting a photo Urkle forever so I am willing to give it a shot.

I have heard good things about Night Owl but haven't done much looking yet.

I just found Old Sage a few weeks ago waiting for some restocks there. I started a wish list need to run some of the Mandalorian gear and well now that I think about it I am tempted to just buy LBHs whole line and work through it regs or not. Not that I have ran a bunch of his gear but his worst strain I have grown brings shame to many of these bigger supposed better breeders.

I will drop those Twisted Tree next. I remeber IamPepe if I am recalling correctly we had quite a few conversations about growing in coco. He still around?

Also going to start dropping at least a chop picture of every plant I do...just for the sake of bud porn.

I do still like Seedstockers of all the bigger breeders. I have ran quite a bit of their stuff and have never been disappointed.

You are making me nervous a little bit. I am in the upcoming SSSC's photo grow and show for Black Lebanon.

I do have a ton of photo backlog maybe I will look into messing around and making them auto in my spare tent. Red Malawi, Luana, BlackLights and a few other. I have been running the shit out of Bohdi's Terpnado lately. I ended up getting lucky when I popped the pack and found a very good mother. Tastes of fuel on the inhale with a strawberry like film taste on the exhale. Jesus reading that you would think it is bad but it is so good.
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Linda's Seeds Grapefruit Photoperiod. She started out with a sweet smell, that has morphed into something with a fuel like smell right before chop. I am usually not to concerned with pre chop smells as a cure will do wonders. Main cola below.
Grapefruit Phot Cola.jpg
Moonrocks- Green Crack dipped in Black Mamba pressed rosin then rolled in Durban Poison Kief.

Actually when I was pressing the Black Mamba I used a brush when it was still dripping and rubbed it all over the buds then rolled it in the kief. Let them dry for a few days should be good to go.
Moon Rocks.jpg
I just pressed some Purple Kush CBD that has been heat sealed since April 2021 and it was like the day I packed it.

Those are some tight buds you got there! Did you hand trim them?
Yeah wet trim and a ten day dry. Did not have a way to measure but they were really dry.
Yeah wet trim and a ten day dry. Did not have a way to measure but they were really dry.
AJ are you goshin me? These little hygrometers are cheap.

You just throw one in with the buds and if in range 58% - 62% RH pull the hygrometer and heat seal. Too dry can be a problem as well as too wet.
AJ are you goshin me? These little hygrometers are cheap.

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You just throw one in with the buds and if in range 58% - 62% RH pull the hygrometer and heat seal. Too dry can be a problem as well as too wet.
Ordered I hope your commission check is in the mail. :pass:
@Suki813 Found this chart below that is similar to what I have used for FFJ and FPJ. My favorite was made out of bannana peels and beets. We have a huge outdoor garden and we can a lot so at the end of summer there are always scraps to use.

This website gives you a breakdown of what works and how. definitely check out his recipes on the side for different inputs. You can experiment some. I know someone on here years ago used to swear by FFJ made out of aloe leaves.

http://www.cgnfindia.com/ffj.html now I would not apply everything he says to cannabis, but his recipes and instructions are very good. I think they are in India. KNF is very popular there and many other rural nations without agriculture infrastructure because it is cheap and self sufficient.

I usually reamend and use KNF for beneficials and treating deficiencies, one of these days I am going to set up one pot that is just KNF no reamending at all. I just have not gotten to it yet. :pass:

I saw that you mentioned mulch in another post for you organic grow.

I have used everything under the sun the only thing I would stay away from is pine needles as they are acidic. Any thing wood based will eat up some of your nitrogen, but its really not that big a deal. If your doing it right you will have plenty of N. I actually use leaves out of the yard mostly as that is what I use in my garden. I will shred up a bunch in the fall put them in paper grocery bags staple them shut and wait awhile to make sure I do not have any pests. I used to use rice hulls after I quite putting them in my soil mix when I switched to pumice. The rice hulls would break down and I would loose my aeration. As a mulch they are ideal as you can get a 7 cubic foot bag for like 20 bucks here. Which will last you a damn lifetime plus when they break down they add silica to the soil.

Right now I am using the stems and branches from my chopped plants just shredding them and throwing them on top then some leaves on top of that. You want a decent layer of mulch for your mycorrhiza to grow and thrive it also keeps it from drying out.

Long story short I have used about damn near everything (pistachio hulls one time) and it all works as long as It breaks down and is not acidic. In all reality you can use cardboard (would be a damn mess) if your so inclined. I thought you mentioned rabbit bedding or something like that. It should work again if it is wood and not composted down it will leach some N but you can adjust most people have more N than they need for autos organically in my opinion.

Will save you some watering as well.

Once the mulch really starts to break down I will mix it in the bottom layer of it with the soil when I reamend after chop then what was in the middle and top gets put back on and another layer goes on top. So mine is actually a hodgepodge sometimes. With rice hulls, leaves, branches and stems. I tried cannabis leaves once but when you dry them out there is not much there and it does a poor job. I usually will through some on the bottom layer (my logic is it doesn't hurt and the worms will eat them).
Brother Mendel's Midwest Widow- Ran almost 80 days very heavy feeder. Dropped two one just died not long after germ. She is a heavy feeder and definitely reeks of White Widow on the nose. Has some purple highlights I would assume came from the cross with Cascadian Blueberry. Will try to remember to do a smoke report after the cure.
Midwest Widow Chop.jpg
MW Bud 3.jpg

MW Buds.jpg