My wife likes to bribe me to weed the garden too! Been raining here on and off last couple of days so I been laying about getting fat and stoned senseles
Sounds like a Life Mantra to me...

...what are ya doing..@
just laying about getting fat and stoned senseless....
hmmm...I could do that...
I can smell something delicious coming from the kitchen again this morning

..damn Munchies......I Wish I'd had breakfast...but we are eating mid day today... sky no breeze..almost tempted to BBQ..but it seems a waste to crank it up for 4 chops...
im so hungry.........
Me too...

..and I posted half of it....wake n bake has a lot to answer for..
Mmmm. I've never had Yorkshire pudding [emoji50]but that sure does look good. I'd give it a go.[emoji482]
Batter mix
@Growtogrow ...texture like a savoury choux pastry...
Without the sausage..can be eaten savory with gravy...or filled with jam for a sweet treat...
or if you are my husband with the sweet munchies can be eaten with sausage and jam....
He was sitting debating sweet savory with himself...sarcasm overcame me and I said why not do both..?
Cover that pizza you left before in jam.......and..he did.....

yorkshire pudding is awesome and i showed my wife a pic of your toad in the hole to make it
@St. Tom 
...I Hope she makes one for you...
I’d cross the pond for your cooking ... Yorkies please!!!

You would be Welcome
@BCBudlady ...
English tradition..make the yorkies big enough to fit the whole meal in...
sweet or savory....