Topping & Cropping Autos

When cloning you take the tips of the mother plant bc the tips have the highest level of hormones that make it grow faster and the softer greener stems let nutrients travel faster than the woody more solid ones. I dont have the room for a couple monster mothers right now or id go back to cloning. I made more money off just selling clones than growing them out but i got bored of it and like the roll of the dice when popping a seed. This is more of a hobby for me than anything else and I like the challenge of growing autos since your against the clock. But if I go commercial like I want to here soon I'll go back to cloning and pheno hunting
Cuz I cloned 3 rose of sharons branches last year, got all 3 to root the old family heirloom way in water by the window seal, but I did add hormone the cheap stuff. But thats tree branches the size of a lil woman's pinki finger.
Cloning or taking cutting is is super easy. I think ppl cause way more problems by over caring most time. Lol
This is the way Ive got 100% success cloning.
This is the way Ive got 100% success cloning.
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Clonex makes it easy. I've done it with straight water before. Aeroponics is the way to go with cutting super fast and can fit 300+ cuttings in a tiny area. You wanna see a commercial grower that knows what he's doing Google Growing exposed sugarleaf episode 8. I love the guys setup.
Yea for sure, imma old hand and transplanting haha I started working as a landscaper at 12 years old fr.
Ppl think these 1 gallon transplants are something, try 15 and 20 gal root bound pots, you better have some strength haha I can pick up a 15 or 20 gal root bound get it to chest level one finger in drian hole and other hand on dirt with stem between middle fingers and pop out 10 or 15 like that in prolly 10 mins no damage ever.

The truth is if people really wanted to hit next level gardening you would stop searching cannabis realted terms, and start being geared towards str8 up agriculture.
Believe me venus fly traps, are way harder to grow than the cannabis weed. Haha cannabis is comparable to tomatoes, corn, tobacco on ease of growth.
The dudes that really know what their doing are botanists. Witch weren't involved into the cannabis industry until recently.
Clonex makes it easy. I've done it with straight water before. Aeroponics is the way to go with cutting super fast and can fit 300+ cuttings in a tiny area. You wanna see a commercial grower that knows what he's doing Google Growing exposed sugarleaf episode 8. I love the guys setup. hormone just the root all or whatever, its a powder I then got roots always within 7 to.10.days

without hormone just plain old water about 14 days, If I put silica in my water they root even faster.

Another easy way is just wet perlite inna cup, or vermiculite/sand
The dudes that really know what their doing are botanists. Witch weren't involved into the cannabis industry until recently.
Oh yea, and true old day farmers are top.of the line.. b4 all the use of things like damn round up and artificial fertilizers were so in demand.
Just like that info I got from old soy bean farmer about milk not only working as a food upping yields, but also as a soft bodied insecticide bc the soft body ones dont have a pancreas they cant handle.sugars and he upped his yields by 30% incorporating milk into the soil and foilar spray.
Oh yea, and true old day farmers are top.of the line.. b4 all the use of things like damn round up and artificial fertilizers were so in demand.
Just like that info I got from old soy bean farmer about milk not only working as a food upping yields, but also as a soft bodied insecticide bc the soft body ones dont have a pancreas they cant handle.sugars and he upped his yields by 30% incorporating milk into the soil and foilar spray.
I'm second gen cannabis grower my family's always grown it and while I've learned alot from their exsperience times have changed and the stuff out now like nutrients,lighting,mediums, and genetics have taken it to new heights. We have access to things they didn't so it's a whole diffrent ball game in a way. Don't get me wrong some things are universal but alot of the older grow methods are outdated. They used to use eggshells,fish guts, chicken shit, backstrap molasses and what they had access to. With these new nutrients and hydro systems and led grow lights I'm producing a far better product than they did. But I focus on quality and their main focus was quantity. I got the best bud around right now by far but I'm constantly having to step my game up to keep it that way with all the new advances in the growing industry. hormone just the root all or whatever, its a powder I then got roots always within 7 to.10.days

without hormone just plain old water about 14 days, If I put silica in my water they root even faster.

Another easy way is just wet perlite inna cup, or vermiculite/sand
Alot of ppl use the powder I always used the gel bc that's what I learned with and was getting roots in 4-5 days consistently and didn't wanna mess up a working formula. All this cloning talk got me wanting to go buy some photoperiod seeds and start the hunt. I haven't used crop king in awhile I'll have to go check out what they got. Their old train wreck strain was my favorite i dont know if they still carry it.
Alot of ppl use the powder I always used the gel bc that's what I learned with and was getting roots in 4-5 days consistently and didn't wanna mess up a working formula. All this cloning talk got me wanting to go buy some photoperiod seeds and start the hunt. I haven't used crop king in awhile I'll have to go check out what they got. Their old train wreck strain was my favorite i dont know if they still carry it.

Haha I know who does still carry the original, brother im baffled by auto only growers I didn't know that existed until I started hearing ever1 say it on here, I honestly have no understanding of why or HOW that happend lol

I remember when they first came out and they sucked back then.
Youd get a half oz or oz was like max back then..mediocre bud.

I started growing weed by finding seeds outta brick weed, so photos was only way for me to start out.
And damn sure cldnt by a indoor set up when ur 13, so I started outdoor as well, very happy it worked out like that 2.

Now days you got people that think weed cant grow in regular dirt, every1s containers need that bag soil not the damn plant lol
Thats why I took 1st place outdoor auto grower of 2018, bc I grew in full native ground just shovel tilled, no ferts or water, I didnt do.shit to it and got over a qp off that one plant.
Alchemy Lowrider#2 X Original BB dry.jpg