Mainlining and Manifolding Auto's

When growing indoors plant training may just be the most important aspect of increasing yield and quality of your buds. There are many diffrent techniques including LST, topping/fiming,super cropping,lollypoping ECT. This thread is for mainlining/manifolding. I'd suggest getting comfortable with LST and topping before attempting this.

***Step 1. Wait till your plants are at the 3-5 nodes I like to wait until I get 2 full sets of leafs. Even though you have 5 nodes cut her down at the 3rd so she's thicker and stronger.

***Step 2. Take the two nodes and tie them down to make the T shape to make your sturdy base for the frame to come.
[Tip: When mainlining symmetry is everything. Try and keep both sides equal and even as much as possible.]

***Step 3. After to have trained the two main stalks out around 6-8 inches from the main stem let them start to grow upward. At this point you can decide to let her grow out or top both mains again and repeat the process. Remember every time to do this you multiply your main colas.
Tip. Personally for autos I top the two mains twice more to get 8 large colas. This method dosent increase overall yield. It gives you massive colas instead of a bunch of little to mid size colas.

In conclusion top your plant at the 3rd node when you reach 5 nodes and tie down the new mains into a T shape. Then keep tieing them down while letting them recover and reach upward toward the light. Once your around 6-8 inches away from the main stem let them grow verticly and repeat the process as many times as desired while cutting off lower growth focusing the plants energy upward toward the new mains. And remember Symmetry is everything. The one photo with the X's shows where to cut the lower and undesired growth off.
Any other questions feel free to ask I will answer.
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In order to not keep making the same mistakes, I'm looking for some opinions here. This is day 37. Preflowers showed up a few days ago. I told myself a few days ago that I'm going to stop removing lower growth and let her focus energy on the main colas (I've since removed as little more) ..but I'm not exactly sure when to stop removing lower growth and when to just let the mains begin growing upwards. This is what I've got so far and I'm inclined to just let her be from here on. Any comments and/or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
I harvested my first mainlined plant this morning. I didn't bother with a wet weight but think I probably got around 2 ounces once dry. I've since moved the next girl into the center arena and once again I'm hoping that I haven't taken off too much under the 4 mains. I'm still a little uneasy when it comes to being able to visualize the final structure as the plant develops. Based on what I saw from this morning's harvest, it seems like I should stop removing growth once the mains are where I'd like them to be. I've indicated in the photos where I think I should have stopped on this girl. Does anyone else agree or am I doing things alright already?


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