Update...we have reworked the Battle schedule to give you a defined Start and Finish date.

to make it easier to plan your grow room.
Germ date 1st Feb....first leg
14 days pre start
28 days feb..
31 days March
14 days in April
87 days...Poll 24th April instead...gives you 97 days...with pre start
5 days to vote...29th april.....
This gives the members who didn't qualify a chance to join the second leg qualifier starting 1st May...
May 1st start.
14 day pre start
31 days in May
30 days in June
31 days July...poll end july
106 days.if they take the advantage of the 14 day start....92 days if they don't....
All of August clear for main summer holidays.
Championship 1st Sept.
14 days pre start..
30 days september..
31 days october
30 november..poll
105 days....91 days without pre start...
Finished in the first week of Dec...just before festivus kicks off.
This will be edited into the Battle Rules shortly.
We appreciate that some autos go beyond this date or extreme training methods can extend it...But...if I have Watched a girl for 90-100 days I Know if I want to vote on her or not..
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