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Brew your own , worm poop , water and molasses . Well come back . :thumbsup:

@1939bear I'm on it Even got a worm bin going! Once every other week? Thank you kindly for the welcome back to the AFN fam.

Hey @Eyes on Fire can you help a gro bro out, please?

GB....EoF knows his sh*t, let me tell ya! :d5:

@Frankthetank Oh you know it! @Eyes on Fire knows his sh!t, literally! I wouldn't know about insect frass if it weren't for good ol' Eyes!
heya i imagining things or were you a bit cartoonish yesterday ?
I was out most of the day. I had to take my mother in law back up north. She was down here for the weekend, for mothers day.

I hope thats what you're asking, pal. I'm not positive what the term "cartoonish" means....
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