Dutch Passion Budster's drobe: Blue AutoMazar LST under 180W Hans panel LED

What day are you on now? Could just be putting roots down.

I wouldn't sweat the break so long as its still attached and taped up, might even yield more as it is a supercrop.

I'm on day 26. It might be working on its roots but I fear I've lost too many valuable veg days, it still has a fighting chance though. I usually do small space scrogs so I've broken plenty of stems :biggrin: It will very likely heal but it tends to slow the main shoot down a bit.
Do a pic update DB, beast says it's a long vegger, so be patient bro, no point starting again now, you will have lost a month. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Also if main is slowed the offshoots can develop more. Early breaks have never affected the end result of my grows, as they're good as new after few days.
Do a pic update DB, beast says it's a long vegger, so be patient bro, no point starting again now, you will have lost a month. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Also if main is slowed the offshoots can develop more. Early breaks have never affected the end result of my grows, as they're good as new after few days.

I haven't given up on her yet but I did plant a replacement in case it doesn't go well. What I want to avoid is that I spend another 2 months on a plant that stays small and yields 50 grams. Then I would rather lose a month and have the potential for 120+g in 3 months.
She still hasn't shown pre-flowers so there's still potential.

The break has not been a big deal, main shoot is still looking perky and as you said, the side shoots tend to take over if the main is slower.

Day 27

She's picked up quite a bit in the past 3 days. Side-shoots are starting to stretch as well. Light is now 34 cm away as she's grown closer.


Know exactly what you mean about yield potential, but hard call to make this early.

I'd say looking good buddy, think you'll know in next week or so if it's worth keeping as should show sex and explode with growth. Wise to start another in case.

I can deffo see some slight yellow tip burn on lower fans so I'd go easy on them, less is more IMO. Also if you're gonna get rid, why bother feeding at all!
Know exactly what you mean about yield potential, but hard call to make this early.

I'd say looking good buddy, think you'll know in next week or so if it's worth keeping as should show sex and explode with growth. Wise to start another in case.

I can deffo see some slight yellow tip burn on lower fans so I'd go easy on them, less is more IMO. Also if you're gonna get rid, why bother feeding at all!

I haven't decided to get rid of her yet that's why I have to keep feeding her :biggrin:
Day 29

She's still growing pretty slowly, she seemed to pick up for a couple of days after the watering. Not completely sure what's going on if it's just the early light stress that stunted her. I'd like to figure that out independent on if I grow it out or not. It would be nice to know for sure before starting the next one, would hate to make the same mistake/s twice. I'm keeping the light at 40 cm for now, lifting it as she grows but 40cm should really be far away enough at only 40W.

I gave her a feeding today with 1/5 veg nutes, Rhizo and 1.5ml/l of Mg, a little more than usual.

The replacement BAM still hasn't popped up but I have an Auto Blackberry Kush on day 3 in my other tent that I started as potential replacement for a mutant but the mutant seems to be doing quite well so I don't need it there.
