NICE dude, real nice. MAN, i tell ya I love these lights man, but the thing Ive ssen about these things is that it usually lightens the plant up and changes the color some. not a big fan of lesser green leaves LOL freaks me out. Im used to solid T5 lighting colors in my plants LOL! very kick ass man. Im trying to get a handle on the source of my wobbly soil atm. I think it might have been two thing or one maybe. the fuckin mammoth P imo it a top candidate ,not leaving easily,like somethings competing with the soil. dont believe its my water,but getting a new PH meter n stuff to test it better. litmus strip was fine also. 7 something. perfect actually for my norm. but Im working on it man.

Im jealous too but I work my ass of n got no lights like that..LOL YET! needed a camera n a bed first.damn back is hosered