Dutch Passion Who is this new guy, anyways?


Clean Glass + Green Hit
Jan 2, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Death Bubba, El Chapo, Strawberry Nuggets, Pink Kush...........
Well, I know a good thing when I see one, so after reading the old and new folks here for a month, I decided to join.
I just grew the AutoMazar, so this is where I come in.

The good part is the strong and long lasting euphoria. Smooth and tasty even without a cure. A bigger bowl hinted at the potential for top notch medicine, given more time.

The bad. Maybe I got a poor crop of seeds. Only 2 out of 4 were strong enough to shed their shells.

The bigger problem though, is their actual lifespan. DP claims it's a 10 week strain, so I planned 12 to get some amber. I had to chop them in their 15th week. There were still clear trichomes and they had barely started fattening up. I bet they could have gone at least another 10 days. From what I have read in the forums, lots of other people have had slow AutoMazar too!

I started new ones in fresh soil Dec. They are not very vigorous at all. One barely managed to shed her shell. At a day shy of 3 weeks old. they only have 2 pair of baby leaves. I may be better off pulling them and starting my Jorge's.

I still want to try Auto's but I regret spending so much on DP's AutoMazar. I won't plant the last seed. Poor viability and 2200 hours of light is way too expensive.

I typically get 90-100 grams of sticky stinky goodness every 12-24 weeks with:
  • DR60cm tent
  • Carbon filter/canfan; clip fan
  • 210 watts (actual draw)“PowerBloom” LED
  • 2x5gallon fabric pots (sometimes 4x3gallon)
  • Fresh "Dutch Treat" Potting Soil (now with 30% perlite)
  • Rapid Rooter plugs
  • pH≈ 6 to 6.5 H20
  • GH Flora line nutrients (not this time)
  • CalMag
  • Silica
  • Molasses
  • Smaller "propagator" tent with carbon filter, exclusively for drying.
Yea dude ive never had a strain take that long and ive grown about 70 autos in the last 2 years.
I grew a mazar once but it was ready in 11 weeks. Go for another trusted auto strainand try again. Creme mandarin bysweet seeds is my new favourite.
Also running lights for autos at 20/4 for 11 weeks is 1540 hours
Photos veg 20/4 for 5 weeks
And flower 12/12 for 10 weeks
Is 1540 hours.
When you get autos down you can get big yeilds from shorter growing times that photos. Give it another shot dude.
Were here to help
I do not understand why people sometimes complain about phenotypes that takes 100 days or more to complete. It is said 75 days or so is an average but enviromental factors do have a role in certain gene activations within a phenotype so strickly speaking you cannot put all the blame on the breeder. Besides, it is my and many other peoples experience that the ones that take the extra time also tend to produce more. Typically you can get well over 1gpw from that type of grows, and there are numerous grow journals with DP grows that have gotten well past 1,5 gpw going near 100 days. @TaNg has gotten at best 2.6 gpw if I remember correctly.

Also: I've done nothing but DP's seeds for many years and every single seed has sprouted. Now there are bad phenotypes from time to time depending on a strain but I consider that normal. Nothing is perfect man. I understand it can be frustrating when grows dont go as you hoped for. Easiest thing is to always blame the breeder though. I know I am not that experinced myself that I would do such a thing; I'd rather look inward and see what factors that I did, contributed to the results first. Perhaps try some other strains too if you really had a misfortune to have a bad patch of seeds, it certainly is in a realm of possibilities.

May I recommend BlueAutoMazar, AutoUltimate or AutoWhiteWidow for you to try in future? I've had fantastic results with those.
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Yea dutch passion is one of the very best auto breeders out there. Ive grown there mazar blue mazar, ultimate and extreme all were great strains that yeilded well. 6-7oz each for auto ultimate and auto extreme.
Sweet seeds was just another example of a great auto breeder along with dinafem, mephisto and fastbuds in my own experience.
Best of luck with the next round whatever you decide dude
I've found that not all autos will amber up. They will go cloudy but never fully amber like a photo. Some autos will, some autos won't unfortunately.
I've grown mazar a few times and never taken longer than 80 days, but I imagine there will be longer finishing phenos in the mix. Dutch passion are usually a lot more reliable with their estimated finishing times than a lot of other breeders can be, seed to harvest in 55 days, as some breeders advertise, is very wishful thinking.
At being 3 weeks old and still on first set of leaves I would say it's an environmental issue as opposed to the seeds. I've never had a bad seed once it's sprouted, just bad growing lol.
Also with Dutch passion I've 100% germination rates, one of those company's that you can pretty much guarantee your seeds will pop. I've grown around 20 DP plants, all of them germinated within 72 hours.
I wouldn't give up on DP, some of the best weed I've smoked has been from them. Most stable genetics around imo.
What ever you decide to do, have fun :)

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Just my opinion, but you have to take those time estimates with a grain of salt, particularly if you're new to growing.

Thanks for your replies, everyone.

To clarify, I planned 12 weeks for a 10 week strain. I take finishing times as a rough guideline, and 2 extra weeks have always been fine. My last grow (photo pink kush) was called a "7 week flowering" strain, and were fabulous at about 9 weeks. That last little extra gained them a lot of weight.
running lights for autos at 20/4 for 11 weeks is 1540 hours
Photos veg 20/4 for 5 weeks And flower 12/12 for 10 weeks Is 1540 hours

I agree with your numbers, Sanguine. 15 weeks at 20 hours is 2100, 16 weeks is over 2200.
...I haven't given up on Auto's, or on DP. just AutoMazar.
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cannot put all the blame on the breeder. ...May I recommend BlueAutoMazar, AutoUltimate or AutoWhiteWidow for you to try in future? I've had fantastic results with those.

My intention is not to blame the breeder, and I apologize if that is how I sounded. Had I known about the extra long timelines, I would have chosen another DP auto.

I have to say that my 45gm yield is due to being an auto-virgin. Especially after reading here about rudi's watering preferences.

Last time, the surviving 2 plants were vigorous, they flowered right on time, developed colas, and then slowed down. Armed with info from here, I started the the second Mazars with fresh soil, added more perlite, and vowed to water differently and avoid nutes. This time, I am at a loss to what the environmental factors might be....

Luckily, my last pinks really produced. Along with the Mazar, I won't run out of meds for a few months. Economics are a factor, so I have to beef up my stash with a crop of photo's before I try another auto. Next to be planted are either my new DP Jorge's, or a quick sog with the last of my CK SourD seeds, so I have time to choose my next auto.

Thanks for the strain suggestions! I see that you are a medical grower. Med/High THC with a decent amount of CBD (0.7% and above) work best for my arthritis pain.
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My intention is not to blame the breeder, and I apologize if that is how I sounded. Had I known about the long timelines, I would have chosen another DP auto!

I have to say that my 45gm yield is definitely due to being an auto-virgin. Especially since I read here about Auto's watering preferences. Luckily, my pink kushes yielded lots so I won't run out of meds, but I have to beef up my stash with a crop of photo's before I try another auto. Next to be planted are DP Jorge's, so I have time to learn and choose.

Thanks for the strain suggestions! I see that you are a med grower. Which do you guess might be best for arthritis pain?

Thats alright bro, I think I might have read your intention wrong. I am sorry to hear that you are having pains! I seriously hope you get to have better crops in future man, I can sympatize with that situation, having to race against time in order to get medication for pain you so desperately need. My wife has been having MS -related pains, nervepains and such and we have found that BlueAutoMazar has worked surprisingly well for pain overall, especially when pressed as rosin wax. You might want to check on to the new automatic CBD -rich strains they have to offer now; Such as CBD AutoWhiteWidow sounds awesome. I cannot say about it yet because haven't gotten to try it yet.