
A brief history and linage of the Dragons


In case you didn,t know , the mother of the Dragons is our very own Dragon master @Mossy :dragon2: :headbang:


And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....


The first Coloured Hybrid Fully Auto-flowering cross in the World.​

...and led to the Black Dragon



The first Black Leafed Autoflower in the World.​

All the crosses up to Black Dragon were high THC crosses with DC & ALF being parents of the Dragon range.


The Black Dragon was the start of the Dragon Line..Duurty, Bobbys being pheno selections from the Black Dragon.Jem x Affy x WhiteRussian x DeepChunk.

It was a time of dragons , to name a few,,, ,,Blood;;Blue,Magic;Stone;Russian,Thunders

Re:cap and brought up to date for my purposes :thumbsup:

First Parent in the line JEM: Mazar-i-shariff

Second Parent Afghan :

Third parent in the line White Russian (ALF#3)

Fourth parent Deep Chunk (Black Dragon ALF#4)

Duurty, black dragon, bobbys girls are all phenos of the black dragon

ALF#5 (Giggle Juice),,,, NL Branch FD ALF#5// FD Bobby’s ww x dragon

ALF# Giggle Juice back to a White Cross..White Widow


Afghan Little F*ck...ALF ..the Number is how many Afghans are in that particular Line... ALF#3 has 3 ALF#5 has 5

Giggle is My ALF#5

When you get a ALF#6 seed it has

JEM..Afghan Kush

Pure Afghan Auto

White Russian which was Short Stuffs White Russian #1..but I selected Afghan dom Fathers..which I Think come from the Original Auto cross.

Tom Hills Deep Chunk..direct from the breeders original stock..Afghan/kush

Mr Nice Original Northern Lights indy afghan/Thai sativa

And lastly a White Widow in the gene pool..

The journey begins:dragon3:

Next page: We fly again


They actually look Sturdy and healthy though...so good genetics for less than optimum conditions...?...:pass:

Well the pots do stress test them, I like them just to keep an eye on things I might have thrown away,,

.....:thumbsup:.....then you end up with hundreds of half finished crosses.

Well yes lol,,but with the small pots I can have a quick look at some sets without much work, resources or space
Well yes lol,,but with the small pots I can have a quick look at some sets without much work, resources or space

Ah..me and you re doing exactly the same..just in different pot set ups.

When I first Hit the Black Dragon line...I did over 140 seeds in 3 of my large sq pots..

I wasn't looking for Yield from them...I was checking how Frequent the Furby pheno was.... :biggrin: ..for the Bobby's...

If a Trait is in Dominance...you have a hell of an Easier job being able to Catch it...:headbang:

If it is going Out of dominance..the less chance you have..
show off :smoking: ,, hi pal :d5:,,sounds like you building a great set up,,just had a quick look at your threads ,,,great first grow and set up:thumbsup:,,you coming into this blind or got a back ground in other plants?
Thanks for the props @hairyman I would not have been able to have been a success without the help of those here on AFN.
I have been around big farms 13,000 acre row crop beans and corn with a pecan tree orchard that held 10,000 trees but i was mainly a mechanic just absorbed some knowledge along the way.
I have mainly been involved in the food production industry most of my life. I build and install conveyors and piping systems in food production plants.
I do tons of research sometimes so much that i confuse myself. I am currently contemplating switching to Photos for my commercial stuff trying to decide which 4 strains to focus on for medical. 1- Sativa dominate strain 1- Indica dominate strain 1- Hybrid and 1- CBD strain
I build and install conveyors and piping systems in food production plants.

That explains how damned neat it all was :bow:

I do tons of research sometimes so much that i confuse myself. I am currently contemplating switching to Photos for my commercial stuff trying to decide which 4 strains to focus on for medical. 1- Sativa dominate strain 1- Indica dominate strain 1- Hybrid and 1- CBD strain

so is this for seed or bud sale to a dispensary,,i trying ta get big picture :pop: ,,all sounds a great adventure,,ya want start a blog:thumbsup: keep it all in one place,,,
That explains how damned neat it all was :bow:

so is this for seed or bud sale to a dispensary,,i trying ta get big picture :pop: ,,all sounds a great adventure,,ya want start a blog:thumbsup: keep it all in one place,,,
It is for bud for sale to dispensary the availability of good meds here in southern oklahoma is crap hell one dispensary tried to sell a friend some bud for 12.00 a gram that they knew had spider mites in the grow. I was like woah dont buy that crap. I will eventually open a dispensary with my brother as we both have licensed grows.
So where could a guy pick up some beans of the illusive black dragon. I have been looking and found some Mossy JEM seeds but not any Black Dragon. Not ready to try my hand at breeding yet just want to offer up some of best meds i can.
Is there a club with a secret handshake and a funny hat ? :crying: sign me up cause if there is I am all about being part of the fun. :hookah:
It is for bud for sale to dispensary the availability of good meds here in southern oklahoma is crap hell one dispensary tried to sell a friend some bud for 12.00 a gram that they knew had spider mites in the grow. I was like woah dont buy that crap. I will eventually open a dispensary with my brother as we both have licensed grows.

i take it you your state hasn't put any genetic restrictions on what you can use like some have,,,

So where could a guy pick up some beans of the illusive black dragon. I have been looking and found some Mossy JEM seeds but not any Black Dragon. Not ready to try my hand at breeding yet just want to offer up some of best meds i can.
Is there a club with a secret handshake and a funny hat ? :crying: sign me up cause if there is I am all about being part of the fun. :hookah:

You found some mossy jems :thumbsup: you quarter way there :biggrin: ,,,alf#5 from mandalorian_genetics contains a BlackDragon ,more than that i just a humble apprentice and grow what i told :thumbsup:
i take it you your state hasn't put any genetic restrictions on what you can use like some have,,,

You found some mossy jems :thumbsup: you quarter way there :biggrin: ,,,alf#5 from mandalorian_genetics contains a BlackDragon ,more than that i just a humble apprentice and grow what i told :thumbsup:

Oklahoma has not put restrictions on genetics although there is talk of restricting to only beans bought in state but dont get me started on that one. It is why i am trying to figure out which strains i want to focus on and get some beans in the bank so to say so i can at least move them forward from cloning and reversing to keep the strain available to me.

I have looked at mandalorian and saw the dragons in his lineup.
Thanks again for all the great information and good luck on the dragon journey I will be watching
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It is for bud for sale to dispensary the availability of good meds here in southern oklahoma is crap hell one dispensary tried to sell a friend some bud for 12.00 a gram that they knew had spider mites in the grow. I was like woah dont buy that crap. I will eventually open a dispensary with my brother as we both have licensed grows.

Good Luck @THC Farms ...:headbang:..sounds like a Plan.
We are hearing some Horror stories coming through Globals about grow/bud quality.
@hairyman ...after cleaning the Widow I fine cleaned the Kush/Dragon...

Initial smoke says Kush Preference...but she has the Duurty Tang I Love.

Fingers trics and a couple of smokes from the Widow...
Immediate chest loosening...alkaliser and circulation boost.

Then I tarted to feel a body Lift that said I might Soar....:dragon4:...then I got excited and tried the Kush and stopped it dead in its tracks....:nono:

I Must not cross smoke..
I Must not cross smoke..
I Must not cross smoke....:pass:

I'll give it a couple of days and try again..individually...


My First OG..I haven't tried it before..but a lot of descriptions taste/med effect says it id Very Similar to my meds...and she Fits with the Affy/Kush remit...so it had to be Tried...:pass:

I have transfered the Widow seeds to tissue..see what germ rate I get.

Have loads of the Kush to Practice on...
@hairyman ...after cleaning the Widow I fine cleaned the Kush/Dragon...

Initial smoke says Kush Preference...but she has the Duurty Tang I Love.

Fingers trics and a couple of smokes from the Widow...
Immediate chest loosening...alkaliser and circulation boost.

Then I tarted to feel a body Lift that said I might Soar....:dragon4:...then I got excited and tried the Kush and stopped it dead in its tracks....:nono:

I Must not cross smoke..
I Must not cross smoke..
I Must not cross smoke....:pass:

I'll give it a couple of days and try again..individually...

View attachment 1164212

My First OG..I haven't tried it before..but a lot of descriptions taste/med effect says it id Very Similar to my meds...and she Fits with the Affy/Kush remit...so it had to be Tried...:pass:

I have transfered the Widow seeds to tissue..see what germ rate I get.

Have loads of the Kush to Practice on...

And i would have smoked the window for the rest of the day in the hope to find that soar again :smoking:

All W apart from purple B


Do you have any views on who carries the biggest punch in a cross as in m/f, if any :pass:

I forgot to mention, those little pots I set off,, now normally I would expect a high f/m ratio with those seeds, but hell it was opposite,, I think it was because they was in a tent choc full of girls in flower
Do you have any views on who carries the biggest punch in a cross as in m/f, if any :pass:

ATM...I am favouring everything in columns 2 & 3 rather the ones on the left...simply because they are Broader and I prefer Indys..could be light difference..but the left column looks skinnier.

Tip...do an overhead shot on them...you can tell more from an overhead.

Do you use a phone or a camera for photos...?
I Try to square them up in the camera view finder.... :headbang: ..the head shots I find are the most valuable...
ATM...I am favouring everything in columns 2 & 3 rather the ones on the left...simply because they are Broader and I prefer Indys..could be light difference..but the left column looks skinnier.

my favs are on the right also,,its strange the ones on the right are the ones i transplanted from the little pots ,,they took a wee surge from it,,i also thinking the ones that went straight into solo cups, the mix is a bit light,,

i will get some top pics :biggrin: i just use my phone
@Rebel Thinks that Both Indy and Sati are the Best meds...and since most of what we will be talking about is Balance..I'm inclined to agree... :pass: ...but for me the Balance is Affy.

If you harvest it Early when it is milky...you get an Up...Happy...and Energetic high..which after 4 years of brain dead/exhausted was a Joy..it turned it around for me..realising I could be Normal again....:vibe:..I smoke Dope to stay Normal... :pass:

Left to Amber up the medical effect is narcotic...:dragon8:

Be prepared to meet Night Night Dragon.

Oh the Heaven of Deep Refreshing Sleep...the most under rated medicine in the World...after years of insomnia...
Which is the Most Common symptom all our med users suffer.

In fact..I'd go as far as to say ...If you have chronic insomnia...you are Sick..
Whether you realise it or not.

:smoking: indeed! What I've come to realize since I made those statements is that it's all relative. Depending on your needs. Like you said, how you bred your Affy. To have the option of high energy feel good or pain killer. Sativa by nature does that to me (high energy uppy etc) but when I've over indulged it slams me just as hard as a Indi. But with RSO, etc... It's Indi for the win. You absolutely have to have the highest THC content (but obviously the Indi Terps hold the heaviest hitters in THC content.) True medicine makers chase terpenes (like Mossy). Speaking of Aunty... I've been meaning to ask you... What publications/book would you recommend to someone like me wanting to study terpenes?

:bighug: thanks for the share,,,,my route came from chronic back pain,alcohol and depression, you know its not working when you take more meds for the symtoms of the medication than the meds itself.

Taking canna as a medication made life easier,less painfull and weaned me of the drugs and booze ,learning to grow inside and having somewhere to learn and share changed my life :vibe: :thumbsup: and i ,gotta thank @Rebel for sending me my first reg seeds and a new obsession was born :biggrin: well two actually ,,i needed to find a way to germ lots and growing in small pots became the second :smoking:

personally i fair best on a mix , i need a racy smoke every now and then :woohoo:

Excellent indeed,,,a good selection to look at:toke: ,they getting 12 hours full light and 12 diffused light as they sitting under all the other plants,,:smoking:

The bales seem the easier path,,,,how were the melons,,,:smoking:

:bighug: thank you for wanting them! :pass:
Two week mark,,,
So I started to pot some up further, not necessarily to breed with but hairy has to grow some smoke :thumbsup: :smokeit:

Some of these have been repotted twice allready, had different lighting and interrupted light patterns,, just sailed through,,

@Mossy both sets seem pretty uniform, this one below from set k is the oddity
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    Dragons :dragon3: A power flows beneath the skin of the world , paths woven and trodden deep...