
A brief history and linage of the Dragons


In case you didn,t know , the mother of the Dragons is our very own Dragon master @Mossy :dragon2: :headbang:


And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....


The first Coloured Hybrid Fully Auto-flowering cross in the World.​

...and led to the Black Dragon



The first Black Leafed Autoflower in the World.​

All the crosses up to Black Dragon were high THC crosses with DC & ALF being parents of the Dragon range.


The Black Dragon was the start of the Dragon Line..Duurty, Bobbys being pheno selections from the Black Dragon.Jem x Affy x WhiteRussian x DeepChunk.

It was a time of dragons , to name a few,,, ,,Blood;;Blue,Magic;Stone;Russian,Thunders

Re:cap and brought up to date for my purposes :thumbsup:

First Parent in the line JEM: Mazar-i-shariff

Second Parent Afghan :

Third parent in the line White Russian (ALF#3)

Fourth parent Deep Chunk (Black Dragon ALF#4)

Duurty, black dragon, bobbys girls are all phenos of the black dragon

ALF#5 (Giggle Juice),,,, NL Branch FD ALF#5// FD Bobby’s ww x dragon

ALF# Giggle Juice back to a White Cross..White Widow


Afghan Little F*ck...ALF ..the Number is how many Afghans are in that particular Line... ALF#3 has 3 ALF#5 has 5

Giggle is My ALF#5

When you get a ALF#6 seed it has

JEM..Afghan Kush

Pure Afghan Auto

White Russian which was Short Stuffs White Russian #1..but I selected Afghan dom Fathers..which I Think come from the Original Auto cross.

Tom Hills Deep Chunk..direct from the breeders original stock..Afghan/kush

Mr Nice Original Northern Lights indy afghan/Thai sativa

And lastly a White Widow in the gene pool..

The journey begins:dragon3:

Next page: We fly again


OMG,,,these are amazing,cant believe i aint come across them before,,,the dragon in my pic was an oil burner till it cracked,,,little wicks in nostrils,,but these are so sweet :thumbsup:

when you come accross a gif and want to save it on pc to use ,make sure youi save in gif,,then should be same as attaching file



while you were away I recently acquired reg seeds of stone dragon and mumbling dragon .

could you give me an idea of the lineage of these. it seems they are not being bred anymore(apparently) so I will be doing a full seed run of all the seeds that I am waiting on to preserve as much of the genetics as I can .
It will be your typical tent full of 5 seed M/F gang bang and whatever pollinates whatever is how it goes.
should give a nice cross section of phenos .. 10 of each would have been nicer but hey ... that's how the mop flops lol.

(edit) I stand corrected I got 10 of each ... nice

there should be a badge.. keeper of the dragon?:d5:.

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while you were away I recently acquired reg seeds of stone dragon and mumbling dragon .

@noone special ..Stone Dragon is Black Dragon plus a Jack...47..if I remember rightly... :headbang:

Mumbling...hmmm...can't remember...but I haven't had me coffee yet..so it might come back to me...if it does..I'll tag you....

It will be your typical tent full of 5 seed M/F gang bang and whatever pollinates whatever is how it goes.

Good Luck...:headbang:..Open the selection up....
After a soak 24hrs,,majority have cracked from all sets :headbang: ,,,they all in the dirt now,,i personally dont wait for tails ,,soak and into dirt.

Fingers crossed I get mine transplanted today...we went to the farm shop yesterday for seedling compo and it was shut... :pass: ..try again today.
I'll stick to me usual large mixed pot.

Temps and light levels Feb says I'll be smallies..:pass:
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Fingers crossed I get mine transplanted today...we went to the farm shop yesterday for seedling compo and it was shut... :pass: ..try again today.
I'll stick to me usual large mixed pot.

Temps and light levels Feb says I'll be smallies..:pass:

i was out to the shops with me sunglasses on ,came out to a blizzard yesterday :snow2:,,i cant regulate temp as in low in tent ,,but i get by in winter,,all the pots in the airing cupboard :thumbsup:.

so i have read a few times about the mixed pots, care to expand the thinking:pop:
so i have read a few times about the mixed pots, care to expand the thinking:pop:

Level playing field...Exceptional plants will stand out...always breed with exceptional plants...
:biggrin: only 1 pot needs to be removed from the area for breeding purposes..:headbang:

You can do it in your small pots..I have problems keeping small pots hydrated.
Summer patio temps can top 50C...and we are just inland with costal winds..
Small pots dry out..so I spend my time picking them up and watering all day...


Should be Shot..but I got them in seedling compo today....:pass:
Level playing field...Exceptional plants will stand out...always breed with exceptional plants...
:biggrin: only 1 pot needs to be removed from the area for breeding purposes..:headbang:

You can do it in your small pots..I have problems keeping small pots hydrated.
Summer patio temps can top 50C...and we are just inland with costal winds..
Small pots dry out..so I spend my time picking them up and watering all day...

View attachment 1161633

Should be Shot..but I got them in seedling compo today....:pass:

How you got away with that :d5:

i telling ya ,i was fretting on this germ,,all the eggs in one basket so ta speak,i would say any germ issues are long gone :thumbsup:
How you got away with that :d5:

i telling ya ,i was fretting on this germ,,all the eggs in one basket so ta speak,i would say any germ issues are long gone :thumbsup:

I'll get that Widow cross out in a few days..she if she Sparks up ..:watering:..now I have seedling compo to hand.

I've gotta find a way to knock a bit of a cold frame up...weather is Good now..but normally Feb is wet and cold..so could change any minute on me...
So I came to cannabis as a nerve pain patient..I'd done 2-3 years of prescription meds and treatment.
Same on complimentry treatments...Nothing touched the pain.

My Brain was filled with Pain...I was more or less house bound...and I was Tired of living.
It felt like there was no way out..:pass:..I'd Tried everything I knew.

So..I sat hubby down and said...I can't take this any more...I'll do 6 months more and if it is no better..I'll take me own life..and he agreed with me
(and..I'm still married to him...:biggrin:..)

The Attraction for me with Autos was the 8 week time scale...I didn't know if I could keep it up long enough for a photo period to finish.

I've never been a rebel or a rule breaker..so it was a Big decision to make.

I Read up a lot before I selected some plants to buy...most medical recommendations were vague..and Most suggestions made were for Satis..which actually can have the Opposite effect on me and increase my pain.

I Know I'm an Oddity..:biggrin:..but hey..we are all Different.

I split my order between autos and a couple of photoperiods.

One of the First that I tried was the little chunky pheno on the left of the original photo..
she was about 22 inches high..around 10-12 week finish..if I remember rightly..and she Hit the Right Spot medically for me....sigh..

For the first time in Years she gave me Hope that I might be able to alleviate the pain..
I wasn't even Thinking Cure...just some breathing space...a Life...:pass:

Pain/insomnia/prescription drugs gave me horrific brain fog..JEM gave me joined up Thoughts again...it was a Joy...

Now while I'm growing..there is all this controversy kicked off about Autos..especially the Potency..
So I'm Thinking Wow...if these little impotent little things Hit me meds spot..the photos I've got going are going to Blow me away...

'cept...they Didn't.. :pass: ..

The only one that come Near to the JEM effect was a photo period Afghan.

I never intended to breed any..I would have been Happy to just keep on buying them..

Then came the day of the Terrible Accident.

I had half a tent of Mazar (JEM) girls...and half a tent of an Afghan Auto's...and a tiny little JEM male..no higher than about 4.5 inches come up under one of me girls skirts..I didn't see it...:shrug: ..until it pollenated the whole flipping tent.

It might have been Small...but it sure knew how to fill a pram..:pass:

So..I had JEM Pure IBL..and the two Best pain killers of the season..quite by accident in the second cross.
(start of the ALF Line..)

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