
A brief history and linage of the Dragons


In case you didn,t know , the mother of the Dragons is our very own Dragon master @Mossy :dragon2: :headbang:


And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....


The first Coloured Hybrid Fully Auto-flowering cross in the World.​

...and led to the Black Dragon



The first Black Leafed Autoflower in the World.​

All the crosses up to Black Dragon were high THC crosses with DC & ALF being parents of the Dragon range.


The Black Dragon was the start of the Dragon Line..Duurty, Bobbys being pheno selections from the Black Dragon.Jem x Affy x WhiteRussian x DeepChunk.

It was a time of dragons , to name a few,,, ,,Blood;;Blue,Magic;Stone;Russian,Thunders

Re:cap and brought up to date for my purposes :thumbsup:

First Parent in the line JEM: Mazar-i-shariff

Second Parent Afghan :

Third parent in the line White Russian (ALF#3)

Fourth parent Deep Chunk (Black Dragon ALF#4)

Duurty, black dragon, bobbys girls are all phenos of the black dragon

ALF#5 (Giggle Juice),,,, NL Branch FD ALF#5// FD Bobby’s ww x dragon

ALF# Giggle Juice back to a White Cross..White Widow


Afghan Little F*ck...ALF ..the Number is how many Afghans are in that particular Line... ALF#3 has 3 ALF#5 has 5

Giggle is My ALF#5

When you get a ALF#6 seed it has

JEM..Afghan Kush

Pure Afghan Auto

White Russian which was Short Stuffs White Russian #1..but I selected Afghan dom Fathers..which I Think come from the Original Auto cross.

Tom Hills Deep Chunk..direct from the breeders original stock..Afghan/kush

Mr Nice Original Northern Lights indy afghan/Thai sativa

And lastly a White Widow in the gene pool..

The journey begins:dragon3:

Next page: We fly again


I Think the bales might Win @hairyman ..:headbang: ..we are getting a bit of a hard stand down.
I can stand them on that..last time I put straw on the soil..under me melons..the flipping stuff germinated everywhere..I had mair straw than the farmer...:biggrin:
So I came to cannabis as a nerve pain patient..I'd done 2-3 years of prescription meds and treatment.
Same on complimentry treatments...Nothing touched the pain.

My Brain was filled with Pain...I was more or less house bound...and I was Tired of living.
It felt like there was no way out..:pass:..I'd Tried everything I knew.

So..I sat hubby down and said...I can't take this any more...I'll do 6 months more and if it is no better..I'll take me own life..and he agreed with me
(and..I'm still married to him...:biggrin:..)

The Attraction for me with Autos was the 8 week time scale...I didn't know if I could keep it up long enough for a photo period to finish.

I've never been a rebel or a rule breaker..so it was a Big decision to make.

I Read up a lot before I selected some plants to buy...most medical recommendations were vague..and Most suggestions made were for Satis..which actually can have the Opposite effect on me and increase my pain.

I Know I'm an Oddity..:biggrin:..but hey..we are all Different.

I split my order between autos and a couple of photoperiods.

One of the First that I tried was the little chunky pheno on the left of the original photo..
she was about 22 inches high..around 10-12 week finish..if I remember rightly..and she Hit the Right Spot medically for me....sigh..

For the first time in Years she gave me Hope that I might be able to alleviate the pain..
I wasn't even Thinking Cure...just some breathing space...a Life...:pass:

Pain/insomnia/prescription drugs gave me horrific brain fog..JEM gave me joined up Thoughts again...it was a Joy...

Now while I'm growing..there is all this controversy kicked off about Autos..especially the Potency..
So I'm Thinking Wow...if these little impotent little things Hit me meds spot..the photos I've got going are going to Blow me away...

'cept...they Didn't.. :pass: ..

The only one that come Near to the JEM effect was a photo period Afghan.

I never intended to breed any..I would have been Happy to just keep on buying them..

Then came the day of the Terrible Accident.

I had half a tent of Mazar (JEM) girls...and half a tent of an Afghan Auto's...and a tiny little JEM male..no higher than about 4.5 inches come up under one of me girls skirts..I didn't see it...:shrug: ..until it pollenated the whole flipping tent.

It might have been Small...but it sure knew how to fill a pram..:pass:

So..I had JEM Pure IBL..and the two Best pain killers of the season..quite by accident in the second cross.
(start of the ALF Line..)

:bighug: thanks for the share,,,,my route came from chronic back pain,alcohol and depression, you know its not working when you take more meds for the symtoms of the medication than the meds itself.

Taking canna as a medication made life easier,less painfull and weaned me of the drugs and booze ,learning to grow inside and having somewhere to learn and share changed my life :vibe: :thumbsup: and i ,gotta thank @Rebel for sending me my first reg seeds and a new obsession was born :biggrin: well two actually ,,i needed to find a way to germ lots and growing in small pots became the second :smoking:

personally i fair best on a mix , i need a racy smoke every now and then :woohoo:
Excellent.... :pass: ..bless their little cotton Talons...:dragon2:


Excellent indeed,,,a good selection to look at:toke: ,they getting 12 hours full light and 12 diffused light as they sitting under all the other plants,,:smoking:

I Think the bales might Win @hairyman ..:headbang: ..we are getting a bit of a hard stand down.
I can stand them on that..last time I put straw on the soil..under me melons..the flipping stuff germinated everywhere..I had mair straw than the farmer...:biggrin:

The bales seem the easier path,,,,how were the melons,,,:smoking:
Excellent indeed,,,a good selection to look at:toke: ,they getting 12 hours full light and 12 diffused light as they sitting under all the other plants,,:smoking:

Mine are almost on 11 hours ..natural light.. :headbang:


:bighug: thanks for the share,,,,my route came from chronic back pain,alcohol and depression, you know its not working when you take more meds for the symtoms of the medication than the meds itself.

Chronic pain is a big driver...:pass:..people cannot live with constant pain.
They call my problem the Suicide Disease..at the Pain Clinic you have access to 24 hour care.
You are told to ring day or night if you have a problem..coz they are monitoring your response for signs you are on the edge.

So Chronic pain..alcohol...2 Big signs.

Chronic pain means you have a lack of Oxygen in your blood...and humans Use alcohol like anti-freeze...they medicate a low body temp problem.:cheers:..

If you drink too much..and Need alcohol to sleep...you have a body temperature problem.

Try filling in Dr Rinds temperature chart..:pass:...

Write it down...coz as well as seeing your body temperature drop..you will see you hand writing go off too.

Been there..done that...:headbang:

Simple terms...take your body temperature 3 times a day...morning..before you go to bed..and once mid day.
Write it down..:cold:
This is a thing of beauty. A place to point the heritage of the dragon.
@Mossy I remember a time when you told me it was time to write certain articles. This one was way over due.

Autoflower History @FullDuplex ..we Played our part in it.Story to Tell along the way..

Now lean in closer..so I can give you a shoulder massage......and Ask for permission to Play with Bobby's....?....:eyebrows:

And...if you say Yes...cough..cough...could you tell us what you have done to here since she flew off the patio...? :dragon4:..Fly little Dragons..Fly High...:love:

Healing Path two Deep Chunk are a Joy...the Female has Blacked in response to the cold night temps...and the male is Loud and Proud red/purple balled and leaf stems.

Here Kushy..kushy.... :pass:

I've got the two Quick seed Deep Chunk crosses outdoor too..

I'll isolate them when the Big Boy drops his balls..crossing outdoor this time of year is all down to the weather.. :pass: ...so I don't Usually...but I may let the two Healing Path have a small dalliance...just for stock..and keep me fingers crossed...:biggrin:
When I was in the grips of Chronic pain I was virtually couch bound.
Anyone with ME/Fybromyalgia will understand this..getting a shower could exhaust me..a trip to the shops could leave me exhausted for 2-3 days.
I had no joined up Thinking..my first though at the start of the day..before I even opened my eyes was..how bad is the pain..how bad will it get through the day..will I be able to bear it..?...:pass:

If you feel like this..start taking your temperature.
One day..after an exhausting shower...mine dropped to 33.75 C..the lowest I ever recorded.
They start treating you for hypothermia at 35C .....:cold:..so..are my Symptoms classic hypothermia symptoms..is a Lot of what I'm feeling down to that alone.

What is does say is..something is not Right...and it is Measurable.

Normal human body temperature, also known as normothermia or euthermia, is the typical temperature range found in humans. The normal human body temperature range is typically stated as 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F).
Normal: 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F)
Fever: >37.5 or 38.3 °C (99.5 or 100.9 °F)
Hypothermia: <35.0 °C (95.0 °F)
Hyperpyrexia: >40.0 or 41.0 °C (104.0 or 105.8 ...
personally i fair best on a mix , i need a racy smoke every now and then :woohoo:

@Rebel Thinks that Both Indy and Sati are the Best meds...and since most of what we will be talking about is Balance..I'm inclined to agree... :pass: ...but for me the Balance is Affy.

If you harvest it Early when it is milky...you get an Up...Happy...and Energetic high..which after 4 years of brain dead/exhausted was a Joy..it turned it around for me..realising I could be Normal again....:vibe:..I smoke Dope to stay Normal... :pass:

Left to Amber up the medical effect is narcotic...:dragon8:

Be prepared to meet Night Night Dragon.

Oh the Heaven of Deep Refreshing Sleep...the most under rated medicine in the World...after years of insomnia...
Which is the Most Common symptom all our med users suffer.

In fact..I'd go as far as to say ...If you have chronic insomnia...you are Sick..
Whether you realise it or not.
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how were the melons,

Eye opening..... :biggrin: ...if you pick them straight from the garden and stick a knife in..they explode...
Made me jump...so being Evil...I had to try it on hubby....:crying:..he nearly pooped...:gassy:

You stick the knife in and they go pfffft..and blow a jagged hole across the surface..

I'd Never seen a melon do that before..which goes to show..I've never had fresh melon before..they don't do that when you get them from the shops..

while you were away I recently acquired reg seeds of stone dragon and mumbling dragon .

could you give me an idea of the lineage of these. it seems they are not being bred anymore(apparently) so I will be doing a full seed run of all the seeds that I am waiting on to preserve as much of the genetics as I can .
It will be your typical tent full of 5 seed M/F gang bang and whatever pollinates whatever is how it goes.
should give a nice cross section of phenos .. 10 of each would have been nicer but hey ... that's how the mop flops lol.

(edit) I stand corrected I got 10 of each ... nice

there should be a badge.. keeper of the dragon?:d5:.

@Mañ'O'Green badge suggestion i think id like to be a dragon keeper one day in the future :smoking:
.I smoke Dope to stay Normal... :pass:
iv said this quite alot in my life
@FullDuplex ..just checking..are the DC photo or Auto..?

I have everything up to sex now..and I'm Assuming it is because the first 12/12 of the season is nigh...so it is prompting the photos to sex...
They are photo for sure. In figure it’s the early 12/12. That’s why I wait to out anything in the green house here. I like a good 13.5-14.5 hours of daylight before they go in so I avoid a flower trigger and then a re veg.
Autoflower History @FullDuplex ..we Played our part in it.Story to Tell along the way..

Now lean in closer..so I can give you a shoulder massage......and Ask for permission to Play with Bobby's....?....:eyebrows:

And...if you say Yes...cough..cough...could you tell us what you have done to here since she flew off the patio...? :dragon4:..Fly little Dragons..Fly High...:love:
Oh of course my friend. Everything I’ve sent you may have your way with. :naughtystep:

I can’t even begin to tell you what it felt like to send back to you after I felt I could impress the master. Your guidance over the years will always be special to me:bighug:

So Bobby’s Widow is your f2 selection of Bobby’s Girl/Dregon x Dinafem’s White Widow. They’ve been taken to f3 now. You have the f2, I was just starting to make the f3 when I sent. They are now done and actually up. Had some intersex issues in the f1 I had to sort out but it seems now they’re sex stable at f3. Its mostly been the males too, none of the females showed the issue but I don’t consider it sex stable until both sexes show stability.

Here are the f3 females in an autopot system.

on to a little ALF#5 f5 (Mossys dragon f3 (generational selection by me received at f2) X Bubba Kush)

They are the females on the right here

males ready to party


Anvil from the ALF family of genetics was isolated at f3 and is now an f6.
they are on the left of this image

Here are the current colored males





And this is a recently finished Anvil f6
They are photo for sure. In figure it’s the early 12/12. That’s why I wait to out anything in the green house here. I like a good 13.5-14.5 hours of daylight before they go in so I avoid a flower trigger and then a re veg.

:eyebrows: They'll not get the chance to re-veg...I use the first 12-12 as early harvest point...:pass:..I Prefer cold grown canna..I suppose the terps don't dissipate so much as on my Hot season.

The to Quick seeds DC's have flowered too..and they are photo..so I was Guessing that was what it was....but Thought I better check...:biggrin:

Oh of course my friend. Everything I’ve sent you may have your way with. :naughtystep:


I can’t even begin to tell you what it felt like to send back to you after I felt I could impress the master. Your guidance over the years will always be special to me:bighug:

Remember what I said at the time...?...if you are Generous with your seed..and anything happens to yours..you can always ask for a few back...:pass:...

We Learned together..:pass:...everything is Easier if you have a Grow Buddy along for the Journey...

So Bobby’s Widow is your f2 selection of Bobby’s Girl/Dregon x Dinafem’s White Widow.

Oh...couldn't be Better......:pass:..it is the Giggle back to White Widow cross we are Playing with...
So Black D x Widow..
Black D x NL X Widow...

Add those two together...Boom....:dragon2:..ta daaa.....Beaster...

Double up back X to everything BlackD..
Double up back X to the Widow...and a Northern Lights hoyed in for a bit of Spice..:wizzy:


Had some intersex issues in the f1 I had to sort out but it seems now they’re sex stable at f3. Its mostly been the males too, none of the females showed the issue but I don’t consider it sex stable until both sexes show stability.

I'll keep me eyes out...:headbang:..Deep Chunk is reknown for hermying on F1 crosses..so I'll be out..with me glasses on.....:photog:..

They are the females on the right here

Good Heads...:pass:

Those males look Very like the DC Male I have....it was the Similarity to my girls that made me want the DC cross.
I kept seeing them in threads at baby stage.. thinking they were mine..then finding out they were DC.

And this is a recently finished Anvil f6

..I smoke Dope to stay Normal... :pass:

For sure,,,:baked: what ever my normal is :smoking:

Oh of course my friend. Everything I’ve sent you may have your way with. :naughtystep:

I can’t even begin to tell you what it felt like to send back to you after I felt I could impress the master. Your guidance over the years will always be special to me:bighug:

So Bobby’s Widow is your f2 selection of Bobby’s Girl/Dregon x Dinafem’s White Widow. They’ve been taken to f3 now. You have the f2, I was just starting to make the f3 when I sent. They are now done and actually up. Had some intersex issues in the f1 I had to sort out but it seems now they’re sex stable at f3. Its mostly been the males too, none of the females showed the issue but I don’t consider it sex stable until both sexes show stability.

Here are the f3 females in an autopot system.
View attachment 1162246

on to a little ALF#5 f5 (Mossys dragon f3 (generational selection by me received at f2) X Bubba Kush)

They are the females on the right here
View attachment 1162247
males ready to party
View attachment 1162248
View attachment 1162249

Anvil from the ALF family of genetics was isolated at f3 and is now an f6.
they are on the left of this image
View attachment 1162247
Here are the current colored males

View attachment 1162252
View attachment 1162253
View attachment 1162250
View attachment 1162251

And this is a recently finished Anvil f6
View attachment 1162254

:toke: special to have some of yours in the tent and thanks for letting us have a play :d5:

Any input welcome :pass:

Oh...couldn't be Better......:pass:..it is the Giggle back to White Widow cross we are Playing with...
So Black D x Widow..
Black D x NL X Widow...

Add those two together...Boom....:dragon2:..ta daaa.....Beaster...

Double up back X to everything BlackD..
Double up back X to the Widow...and a Northern Lights hoyed in for a bit of Spice..:wizzy:




Great info about the temps,,alongside everything else i have copd ,,my temps spike a lot .i allways fighting an infection it seems,,hence my start to use more edibles,,, my legs do go cold when me spine inflamed,,ive had arthritis since a teenager,,first op on a gimpy arm at 16,,no better just a lot of pain,,a couple more ops on some fingers at 18,,no better , and,that was it, worked and played hard,fcked at 45,,i in good order at moment so long as i go at my pace :smoking:
For sure,,,:baked: what ever my normal is :smoking:

Keep that in mind...coz my Theory is...we are self medicating animals..
If you have something Wrong...and the Doctors don't Fix it...your Brain will lead you to meds that Do Fix it.

We are just Not understanding that bit... :pass: ...we have been coached into Thinking we have a bad habit....when really it is a Fantastic Gift.

hence my start to use more edibles,,

Up the meds...:pass:

first op on a gimpy arm at 16,,no better just a lot of pain,,a couple more ops on some fingers at 18,,no better , and,that was it,

When did you first start smoking....13...?
That's uncannily close, for my shame 12 :biggrin:

Agghh..you said it.....:pass:..we are Taught we are shameful/weak willed if we smoke.

You have a problem with a low metabolism...because your Doc didn't pick it up...or if they had..would probably blame it on teenager symptoms.

Your body is coming up to puberty..a Massive change and use of resources...and you are running low metabolism/temperature...your body is going to seek out the medicine to Cope.

You started down the chasing Alkaloids route...:pass: ...first place you Found it was in Tobacco.

Remember the Alkaloids connection...:headbang:..we'll Talk about it more.


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    Dragons :dragon3: A power flows beneath the skin of the world , paths woven and trodden deep...