No that's what I'm going to do tonight then just follow a standard canna feed schedule, see how that goes.
Once tap and RO have been mixed to give 0.2/0.3 ms/cm = mg/Ltr = ppm. As the tap water is anoxic (Zero o2) when it exits the tap, to lift Ph strong aeration is required, in addition, the tap water (Potable Water) is full of active 3-4mg/ltr Chloromine, and chloromenes, that will steralize youir root system, and any thing else it contacts post tap. You will have to add "Aquarium Tap Safe" at said dose to Stabilize the Free Chlorine, chloromenes, or 'Chelate' them, stabilize, deactivate them take em out of circulation. Once the tap water is treated for chloromines and aerated for 24-36hrs minimum, it will then stabilize its ph. Then it can be added to the RO "00" water to make up the "Buffer" content of your RO water, to you desired buffer. Then aerate the mix till 100% O2 saturation occurs, that's when ph stabilizes. Then you can add nute with no fear of ph slowly rising, due to low saturation, or BOD "Biological Oxygen Demand"........that's a fact...........AB..........water at 1-2c off root temp max when you add your nute to this, you know your ec reading is for 96% nute content, at saturation. And not 400-600ppm or 0.7ec of 'Calcium & Magnesium Carbonates, "Volatile Temporary Alkalinity", in Hard Tap Water, masking your true feed ratio.........or salt content same as.....
Test this;........get a glass of water straight from tap take ph,........wait 24hrs and retake will O2 saturation will co2..........just my 2
