to be honest if he was to take your course of action there are gonna be 2 outcomes
1. he will spray his plants with the lights on and cause even more problems as the high penertraion from the l.e.d will burn his leaves making the situation 10 times as worse
2. by spraying his leaves he is only masking over the problem and not getting to the root cause of why he has got a magnesium defeciency so its only gonna be a temporay fix
my soloution
1. test auto #5 was pulled for a reason so it might not even be anything your doing wrong
2. your using r/o water with canna aqua nutrients which are designed for hard water this will mean it has less cal/mag in the bottles than if you were was using soft water nutrients, the only reason i know this is becasue 90% of re-sellers in the uk only stock canna aqua in hard water format cause of our tap water unless of course you did buy canna aqua soft water nutrients in which case go to the next option lol
3. your only feeding her on 1.0ec where if you was to follow the canna aqua grow guide by week 3-4 you should be on 1.1 -1.4, this is the recommened dosage for just normal feeding, i have no idea if your plant is an agressive feeder or a light feeder but sticking in the normal range is good , if you are under feeding then their will still not be enough cal/mag in the base feed to sustain growth hence the defeciency
r/o water is like starting with nothing so you have the opertunity to make up what ever ratios you want but id also look into getting soft water nutrients
4.i always warm my calibration fluid to 75 degress before doing a calibration check and its always stored in a glass of water at the end of every use because the probe is ALWAYS meant to be kept moist for accuracy purposes, IF IT DRIES IT DIES, ph wants to be 5.6-5.7 in veg and 5.8 - 6.0 flower
5. if your gonna take kush-t's advice then spray your plants after lights out so it gives them time to absorb what they need and the rest to evapourate
good luck
Girl on the right for me dude.
Thanks for the input mate. I had actually thought about soft water nutes but isn't adding the cal mag to make a starting point of .4 essentially making the water about right? Mind you I'm sure it can't hurt to try the extra elements in the water might be enough to stop this problem! I'll look in to getting some.
I'd go for the one on the right by the way. Looks like it will be a bigger plant with more bud sites.
no there is more to it than that, click this link for indepth topic mate and it will probably help you get a better understanding of whats going on with hard water vs soft
click me
cheers for the votes peeps
im guessing there is an overwhelming majority for the plant on the right then lol and i was leaning towards the 1 in the middle because of her colour and how well she is stacked not to mention my growers instinct![]()