Mephisto Genetics Yozhik's Grow #4 ... HubbaBubbaSmelloScope

Newbie question - do the plants have to be in DIRECT sunlight?
Or is it enough to be in ambient daylight?
I.e. direct sunlight until late afternoon, then shaded

It needs as much DIRECT sunlight as possible, anything in the shade is not considered hours of light.
Hmmm ... This might be a good value-for-money, moth-resistant option for the girls ...

moths are eating your bud? Neem should prevent them from acutally eating the leaves though

Not yet.

But my one outdoor experience a few years ago showed me they exist, and also showed me what damage they can do
They wont touch it if it has neem on it though, I have not met a bug yet that will eat through a neem covered plant

The outdoor plants the moths/caterpillars destroyed were sprayed with Neem.
really??? shit you must have some crazy euro bugs, if neem don't work then pytrhieum will for sure

they're c***s
you don't see them until its too late.
The caterpillars bore right into the stem.
Turn the entire plant into a mouldy botrytis infested pile of shite.