Harvest Update - Day 65

Sweet Trainwreck Auto #2

P3220040.JPG P3220041.JPG P3220044.JPG P3220047.JPG P3220048.JPG

Guesstimated Dry Weight: ... ~ 95 to 100 grams
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Great grow Yozhik, premium quality buds you got there!
I always LST my plants and get 2x or 3x yields!
Anyway LSTing 16 plants would have been exhausting! LOL!!
Great grow Yozhik, premium quality buds you got there!
I always LST my plants and get 2x or 3x yields!
Anyway LSTing 16 plants would have been exhausting! LOL!!

I don't think 16 heavily LST'd plants would have fit in the tent!
It was quite a tight squeeze near the end when trying to hand water them - I can only imagine how it would have been with 16 ladies that had been tied up to within an inch of their lives, with as much girth a they could muster.
Harvest Update - Day 65

The moment @Wile e Peyote has instigated ... [drumroll] ... the BOM/POM Nominee ...

Sweet Trainwreck Auto #4


She ended up turning into a real Foxy Lady ...

P3220045.JPG P3220046.JPG P3220052.JPG P3220056.JPG P3220057.JPG P3220047.JPG

Guesstimated Dry Weight: ... ~ 110 to 115 grams
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take credit were due dude I don't think I would have the patience to grow that many fine ladies cant wait for your next run :pass:

After this feckin trimming marathon, I am SERIOUSLY considering scaling back !!!

:dang: :grump: :grrr1:

... waiting for the day when Auto means auto-trimming ...