INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
DAY 12 - [morning of]:
Temperatures: ... Under HPS 28 ℃ ... Ambient Room 26 ℃
Humidity RH%: ... 50 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 1 x 600w HPS ... 30" from plants
Schedule: ... 20/4
Nutrients: ... Sensi Grow A and B ... all @ 1ml/l
pH of Feeding: ... 6.7
Backed off on the nutes in today's feeding.
Caramel Cream 2 is showing signs of nute burn, even though Cream Caramels 1 and 3 seem to enjoy the regime.
Devil Cream 1 and 3 still lime green, but not getting worse, and may even be slightly improving.
Killer Kush just doing their thing without complaining.
Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect settled the water at pH 6.7 today.
A little higher than I would have done it myself, but then again, maybe that's the problem!
If the soil is running acidic, then pH 6.7 might bring it into the sweet spot, which will turn the Devil Creams around, and bring the Cream Caramel 2 back from its bout of indigestion.
Biggest surprise is there is already a sweet scent to greet me when I open the tent.
If I can already smell them at Day 12, I can only imagine what the olfactory receptors will experience further down the line.
Cream Caramel #1
Cream Caramel #2
Cream Caramel #3
Cream Mandarine #2
Devil Cream #1
Devil Cream #3
Killer Kush #1
Killer Kush #2
Killer Kush #3
Temperatures: ... Under HPS 28 ℃ ... Ambient Room 26 ℃
Humidity RH%: ... 50 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 1 x 600w HPS ... 30" from plants
Schedule: ... 20/4
Nutrients: ... Sensi Grow A and B ... all @ 1ml/l
pH of Feeding: ... 6.7

Backed off on the nutes in today's feeding.
Caramel Cream 2 is showing signs of nute burn, even though Cream Caramels 1 and 3 seem to enjoy the regime.
Devil Cream 1 and 3 still lime green, but not getting worse, and may even be slightly improving.
Killer Kush just doing their thing without complaining.
Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect settled the water at pH 6.7 today.
A little higher than I would have done it myself, but then again, maybe that's the problem!
If the soil is running acidic, then pH 6.7 might bring it into the sweet spot, which will turn the Devil Creams around, and bring the Cream Caramel 2 back from its bout of indigestion.
Biggest surprise is there is already a sweet scent to greet me when I open the tent.
If I can already smell them at Day 12, I can only imagine what the olfactory receptors will experience further down the line.
Cream Caramel #1

Cream Caramel #2

Cream Caramel #3

Cream Mandarine #2

Devil Cream #1

Devil Cream #3

Killer Kush #1

Killer Kush #2

Killer Kush #3