INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
DAY 9:
Temperatures: ... Under HPS 29 ℃ ... Ambient Room 26 ℃
Humidity RH%: ... 55 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 1 x 600w HPS ... 30" from plants
Schedule: ... 20/4
Nutrients: ... B-52, Piranha, Voodoo Juice, Rhino Skin, Mr Roots, Sensi Grow A and B ... all @ 1ml/l
Feeding: ... changed feeding as er suggestions in Infirmary; i.e. pH adjusted to 6.5 from earlier 6.1-6.3 and changed from 2 x micro feeds @ 75ml-100ml each, to one larger watering to ensure feed is travelling further down into Airpots, and to provide a more homogeneous medium.
The biggest issue here is water quality.
Tap Water pH is 8.0-8.4 with EC of 0.6.
With the Advanced Nutrients 'pH Perfect' range, tap water is regulated to 6.1-6.3 by the nutrients, without my input.
What I might experiment with is adjusting the pH of the tap water PRIOR to adding the AN pH Perfect products.
From information available, the pH Perfect is designed [and the guarantee is premised on] to operate within a very specific pH and EC range.
My tap water falls outside that range on both counts.
I'm going to try using something like 'Canna pH Down' to bring the base water within the working pH range of the pH Perfect products ... then add the nutes, and allow them to then adjust them as designed. Target pH is 6.5.
Monitoring closely and will adjust as and when required.
The 3 x Cream Caramel, the 1 x Cream Mandarine and the 3 x Killer Kush all appear to be happy and progressing well with no concerns.
New growth, height, etc on the Devil Creams doesn't appear to be impacted in any negative way, so I'm confident once we get the pH tweaked, all will be paradise in the garden.
Main focus now is on the Devil Creams, and to determine whether lime green colouring and wavy leaves is down to a form of pH sensitivity, and/or non-optimal watering.
In other words, 'operator error'.
Cream Caramel #1
Cream Caramel #2
Cream Caramel #3
Cream Mandarine #2
Devil Cream #1
Devil Cream #3
Killer Kush #1
Killer Kush #2
Killer Kush #3
Temperatures: ... Under HPS 29 ℃ ... Ambient Room 26 ℃
Humidity RH%: ... 55 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 1 x 600w HPS ... 30" from plants
Schedule: ... 20/4
Nutrients: ... B-52, Piranha, Voodoo Juice, Rhino Skin, Mr Roots, Sensi Grow A and B ... all @ 1ml/l
Feeding: ... changed feeding as er suggestions in Infirmary; i.e. pH adjusted to 6.5 from earlier 6.1-6.3 and changed from 2 x micro feeds @ 75ml-100ml each, to one larger watering to ensure feed is travelling further down into Airpots, and to provide a more homogeneous medium.
The biggest issue here is water quality.
Tap Water pH is 8.0-8.4 with EC of 0.6.
With the Advanced Nutrients 'pH Perfect' range, tap water is regulated to 6.1-6.3 by the nutrients, without my input.
What I might experiment with is adjusting the pH of the tap water PRIOR to adding the AN pH Perfect products.
From information available, the pH Perfect is designed [and the guarantee is premised on] to operate within a very specific pH and EC range.
My tap water falls outside that range on both counts.
I'm going to try using something like 'Canna pH Down' to bring the base water within the working pH range of the pH Perfect products ... then add the nutes, and allow them to then adjust them as designed. Target pH is 6.5.
Monitoring closely and will adjust as and when required.

The 3 x Cream Caramel, the 1 x Cream Mandarine and the 3 x Killer Kush all appear to be happy and progressing well with no concerns.
New growth, height, etc on the Devil Creams doesn't appear to be impacted in any negative way, so I'm confident once we get the pH tweaked, all will be paradise in the garden.
Main focus now is on the Devil Creams, and to determine whether lime green colouring and wavy leaves is down to a form of pH sensitivity, and/or non-optimal watering.
In other words, 'operator error'.
Cream Caramel #1

Cream Caramel #2

Cream Caramel #3

Cream Mandarine #2

Devil Cream #1

Devil Cream #3

Killer Kush #1

Killer Kush #2

Killer Kush #3