Photoperiod Yozhik grows Greenhouse Seeds The Church CBD

the one with the least variables is repotting where they are and switching to hand watering

pain in the ass
but not as painful as losing an entire crop from being pig headed
the one with the least variables is repotting where they are and switching to hand watering

pain in the ass
but not as painful as losing an entire crop from being pig headed
If you can get some big garland trays you would still be able to bottom feed them I've got two plants in autopots and 4 sitting in a garland tray just pour in 5 ltrs at a time cheap ass autopot [emoji106]

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If you can get some big garland trays you would still be able to bottom feed them I've got two plants in autopots and 4 sitting in a garland tray just pour in 5 ltrs at a time cheap ass autopot [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

Oooooohhhhhh ... Like it.

Unless your growing small autos like black Dragons, ALL canna in pots become rootbound. All that really means is that the root mass can grow no larger` Are your pots staying moist to the surface? I find big plants take up solution faster then the medium can fully absorb it. When the medium starts to dry, EC goes up, and ph can spike up or down. looks to me like that is your problem. An option too to increase solution availability is to replace the bases with large trays and= add several aqau valves or fill the tray by hand. You can add enough to the try by hand to last 3-4 days

I hand water the pots if the surface of the medium is dry to an inch down . Tony21 covers the surface of his medium with reflective material which slows evaporation. And he grows TREES...... Like you, he has an extended height tent, 9ft I think and some of his about hit the roof.

Here's a video on using an aqua valve in a tray, pretty simple. I'd put 2 per 4'x4' tray ( Autopot sells them )


@Waira @pop22 @Wile e Peyote @Hansbricks

OK - I've had an epiphany.

I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY what the issue is in the grow room.

[dramatic drumroll]

The Girls are root bound.
Which makes perfect feckin's sense and was so obvious I'm kicking myself for not recognising it earlier.

As good as the Autopots are, they're only 25 litres.

These ladies are TREES.
There is no way in hell they would NOT outgrow 25 litres.
It also perfectly offers a reason for the plethora of symptoms.
I couldn't interpret the feedback being thrown at me - leaves up, leaves down, overfed, underfed, nute burn, perfect green, etc - because I had nutrient myopia.

My tunnel vision was ONLY looking at this from a nutrient perspective, when the real answer was the most basic one.
Occam's razor wins again.

Sooooooooooooooo ... [HASHTAG]#Autopot[/HASHTAG] gurus and master growers, one and all ...

Is there ANY way I can repot at such a late stage of the grow?
What are my options with Autopots in this scenario?
If I put them outside now, do I risk them revegging?
auto pot has some 4ft x 4ft trays that would be prefect,and you can still avoid hand watering with the easy to go kit. Actually he can recycle his current valves the cover for them is nice but not necessary

If you can get some big garland trays you would still be able to bottom feed them I've got two plants in autopots and 4 sitting in a garland tray just pour in 5 ltrs at a time cheap ass autopot [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
Hey @Yozhik -- things looking any better these days?

I think Wile and Pop22's ideas are pretty good.
Outside and root trimming just sound like .... a disaster waiting to happen.
You don't want to be carrying those monster girls inside and outside everyday.
(I'm doing that for 3 tiny micro photo girls right now, and that's already a pain....)

The watering from the bottom, kind of flood plain them, idea sounds great.
The autopot system sounds good, but prob other systems too.

But... now I know that they're your plants and you know them well,
and I'm just sitting out here in internet land, but...
is it really due to being root bound that they're having these problems?

My experience with root binding is just that they kind of slow down growth more and more.
And if the nutes are all used up, then the usual deficiencies.
But the defs can be resolved by feeding.
So I am wondering if it's not a pH thing?
But no doubt you've already checked all that -- pH and pH out... so...
Like pop22 said:
"When the medium starts to dry, EC goes up, and ph can spike up or down..."
So that will change pH during the day.
Not sure what time of day you checked the runoff pH, but may change.

Sorry if I'm out of line here. Just hope that you can get these girls healthy again.

... get a kiddy paddling pool drop all the pots in it and use it like a flood table??
Oooooohhhhhh ... Like it.

Hey @Yozhik -- things looking any better these days?

I think Wile and Pop22's ideas are pretty good.
Outside and root trimming just sound like .... a disaster waiting to happen.
You don't want to be carrying those monster girls inside and outside everyday.
(I'm doing that for 3 tiny micro photo girls right now, and that's already a pain....)

The watering from the bottom, kind of flood plain them, idea sounds great.
The autopot system sounds good, but prob other systems too.

But... now I know that they're your plants and you know them well,
and I'm just sitting out here in internet land, but...
is it really due to being root bound that they're having these problems?

My experience with root binding is just that they kind of slow down growth more and more.
And if the nutes are all used up, then the usual deficiencies.
But the defs can be resolved by feeding.
So I am wondering if it's not a pH thing?
But no doubt you've already checked all that -- pH and pH out... so...
Like pop22 said:
"When the medium starts to dry, EC goes up, and ph can spike up or down..."
So that will change pH during the day.
Not sure what time of day you checked the runoff pH, but may change.

Sorry if I'm out of line here. Just hope that you can get these girls healthy again.

... get a kiddy paddling pool drop all the pots in it and use it like a flood table??

Yup check pH. I also recommend using enzymes, they break down dead root material and turn them into sugars. Hand watering is a lot easier than moving those in and out everyday lol if I where you the only things I’d do is use enzymes or transplant to 10 or 20 gallon pots how tall are those ?
Yup check pH. I also recommend using enzymes, they break down dead root material and turn them into sugars. Hand watering is a lot easier than moving those in and out everyday lol if I where you the only things I’d do is use enzymes or transplant to 10 or 20 gallon pots how tall are those ?

Including Autopot, the dwarf is about 6ft ... The tallest is about 8ft.
Most averaging ~7ft.