Photoperiod Yozhik grows Greenhouse Seeds The Church CBD

There's some funky shit going on with the ladies.
Too many manky leaves appearing.

We've got some that look burnt to a cinder, others turning down, others turning up, and some perfect and drop dead gorgeous.

I guess that's what happens when you grow a forest of trees from a single reservoir.

Some looking completely over fed, some looking under nourished, and some loving life.
It's like Goldihemp and the Three Stoners making munchy induced porridge in there.

So I'm doing something decisive, which is what the folk at Greenhouse Seeds recommend in their videos ... I'm giving the ladies a little flush.
For the Autopots, its probably well overdue, and for the ladies, it's hitting the reset button, cleaning things up a little and hopefully bringing them all back into alignment, and then bringing them home for harvest time.

Not a strict RO water only flush.
A pseudo-flush ...
EC 1,0 [tap water is 0,6] and pH 6,0.
One reservoir @ 100 litres.

@Waira @pop22 @Wile e Peyote @Hansbricks

OK - I've had an epiphany.

I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY what the issue is in the grow room.

[dramatic drumroll]

The Girls are root bound.
Which makes perfect feckin's sense and was so obvious I'm kicking myself for not recognising it earlier.

As good as the Autopots are, they're only 25 litres.

These ladies are TREES.
There is no way in hell they would NOT outgrow 25 litres.
It also perfectly offers a reason for the plethora of symptoms.
I couldn't interpret the feedback being thrown at me - leaves up, leaves down, overfed, underfed, nute burn, perfect green, etc - because I had nutrient myopia.

My tunnel vision was ONLY looking at this from a nutrient perspective, when the real answer was the most basic one.
Occam's razor wins again.

Sooooooooooooooo ... [HASHTAG]#Autopot[/HASHTAG] gurus and master growers, one and all ...

Is there ANY way I can repot at such a late stage of the grow?
What are my options with Autopots in this scenario?
If I put them outside now, do I risk them revegging?

@Waira @pop22 @Wile e Peyote @Hansbricks

OK - I've had an epiphany.

I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY what the issue is in the grow room.

[dramatic drumroll]

The Girls are root bound.
Which makes perfect feckin's sense and was so obvious I'm kicking myself for not recognising it earlier.

As good as the Autopots are, they're only 25 litres.

These ladies are TREES.
There is no way in hell they would NOT outgrow 25 litres.
It also perfectly offers a reason for the plethora of symptoms.
I couldn't interpret the feedback being thrown at me - leaves up, leaves down, overfed, underfed, nute burn, perfect green, etc - because I had nutrient myopia.

My tunnel vision was ONLY looking at this from a nutrient perspective, when the real answer was the most basic one.
Occam's razor wins again.

Sooooooooooooooo ... [HASHTAG]#Autopot[/HASHTAG] gurus and master growers, one and all ...

Is there ANY way I can repot at such a late stage of the grow?
What are my options with Autopots in this scenario?
If I put them outside now, do I risk them revegging?
I've had a photo in a 6 ltr pot for over 100 days now that was root bound I've trimmed the roots before but not on a flowering plant also you will be surprised how easy they lift out and have a look take a few pics [emoji106]

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I've had a photo in a 6 ltr pot for over 100 days now that was root bound I've trimmed the roots before but not on a flowering plant also you will be surprised how easy they lift out and have a look take a few pics [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

I confident its root bound, 'cos the roots are now even coming out above the soil on the surface.
The girls are over 6ft tall.
Over 100 days old.
Tree trunks that are 2 inches [5cms] in diameter.

I guess the simplest solution would be to prune the roots substantially.
Can I do that on flowering plants?

I guess I have 2 options.
  1. Prune roots, or
  2. Transplant outside

Will the second option risk sending them back into revegging?
Will the first option shock them too much and have a catastrophic impact on yield?
I confident its root bound, 'cos the roots are now even coming out above the soil on the surface.
The girls are over 6ft tall.
Over 100 days old.
Tree trunks that are 2 inches [5cms] in diameter.

I guess the simplest solution would be to prune the roots substantially.
Can I do that on flowering plants?

I guess I have 2 options.
  1. Prune roots, or
  2. Transplant outside

Will the second option risk sending them back into revegging?
Will the first option shock them too much and have a catastrophic impact on yield?
I've never chopped roots in flower yoz only in veg as Maria says probably your best option would be bigger pots indoors if you get over 12 hours sun they would just reveg maybe give @Waira a shout he knows a lot more than me [emoji106]

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If I repot indoors, I'd have to hand water, IF I can actually gain access to them.


If I repot outdoors, they'd reveg.


if i do nothing, they will die.

what I would REALLY love to do
is allow these girls to finish their incredible lives
under the big LED in the sky

in bigger pots

to give them the best ending to live they could dream of

and somehow come up with a way to control the hours of sun to 12/12

fruit cage with light proof tarpaulin cover?
move pots inside after 12 hours every day?

Anything is possible
what I would REALLY love to do
is allow these girls to finish their incredible lives
under the big LED in the sky

in bigger pots

to give them the best ending to live they could dream of

and somehow come up with a way to control the hours of sun to 12/12

fruit cage with light proof tarpaulin cover?
move pots inside after 12 hours every day?

Anything is possible
Pick your least favourite and chop off some of the side roots and see what happens it's the only thing i can think of sorry yoz

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