Update time

Hey Now!
Its the time of the season! Cleaned the space prepped the pots and planted the seeds. Nine pots of joy (hopefully) have been initiated!

Nine new seeds are ready to make their journey to nuggets. Here’s the details for those interested.
Lighting by Horticulture Lighting Group HLG 650R and a Cultiuana CT 660.
Soil, got a few things going on. 4 pots of Happy Frog, 1 pot NFTG #4, 4 pots recycled soil from last 4 grows. Since I put the beans directly into the soil I make a hollow in the center of the pot with a red cup for a mold, remove the cup and fill it with seedling mix. Makes sure the seed doesn’t see the hotter soil until its developed a bit. I hear autos aren’t nearly as sensitive as they used to be but old habits and all. I also prepped with some NFTG Herculean Harvest and Zeus Juice along with Some Recharge. Oh and a sprinkle of Mychos for shits and giggles, hopefully some early roots will meet up with them.
Nutrients will be my usual NFTG Roman Regimen along with Mag Amped and SLF-100. I also use benes like Recharge, DR Earth’s Metabolic Transformer, Photosynthesis +, etc., etc., etc..
Room controls are InkBird for Rh and temp control. Heat, A/C, dehumidifier, humidifier are all tuned up. Need a wall fan so will be checking out what’s available for that.
Maybe I’ll get my shit together and get my supplemental lights going this grow. I do have the UVB stuff going, need the UVA rigged up. Curious to see about the effects of UVA every one is talking about. Then there’s the deep red and far red and deep blue LED bars I made up. I want to see what if anything they might do. Fun stuff if I can make myself do it all!

The pots:

The Lights:


The Garden:
Okay what's a start without some problems. . .?
My humidifier died, the three disk fogger will not fog, so I had to spend $90.00 on a new one. Need that humidity!
Nothing happening yet, it's only a day or so. I'm always curious about how many will be popping.
That's it for today.
Hey @wwwillie ! I've got one of these from Honeywell:

It's occasionally on the shelf at Target if you need one in a pinch. Easy to fill as you can pour right in the top without removing the reservoir and it has a mechanical on/off dial that works with the Inkbirds.

EDIT: It's got a mineral absorber in the tank if you dont have RO water to use.
Hey @wwwillie ! I've got one of these from Honeywell:

It's occasionally on the shelf at Target if you need one in a pinch. Easy to fill as you can pour right in the top without removing the reservoir and it has a mechanical on/off dial that works with the Inkbirds.

EDIT: It's got a mineral absorber in the tank if you dont have RO water to use.
Hey, thanks man. Looks good, I may invest in one as a spare. I’m using a household one now but it’s a pita due to the electronic controls. If you remove power it doesn’t restart so I cannot use the controller with it. The replacement part should be here before I really need controlled humidity.
Okay into the freezer we go! Time for some low temp qwet!

Stay tuned for the extraction, filtration, and distillation. Hopefully next weekend! Got the vacuum still ready to go!
Morning everyone!

Everything was started Friday so we should See some action soon (I hope!!)
Hey now,
A bit late but here’s today’s update.

Obligatory security cam shot.

Life! 8 of 9 popped so far. Not bad. You know I’ve driven myself crazy with starting new beans. If there was a method, I’ve tried it. Now I just make up a pot with seedling mix in the center, soak the pot good wait a day and put the seed right in the dirt. Been having the best germ rate with this method and it’s dead simple too. YMMV.


A freeloader! Recycled soil must have picked up some seeds. Hope that’s all they picked up!
