I go away for an hour and look what I missed!!! I think we're all still on a roll from last night! I guess Dub had one too many again tonight and passed out!!

Lucky bastard!! LOL
Stunted that is too f*cking funny Bro!! How trashy!! That was one shitty story! :smokebuds:
Thanks for canning the spam JM!! :smokebuds:

LOL Sniper! You guys are cracking me up!! They are all just like their Momma!! They are fattening up more and more everyday! Tested a nugg off Kush Bush and Mo Plant and WOW... The taste, potency, and density I was

to the Ganja Gods for is definitely present!! I'll be scoping these bitches hard core for the next few weeks... If I let it go too long it will be so devastating I'll only be able to smoke it at night or when I got nothing better to do!! Afghan Kush + Assassin = Comatose

The smell in there is so amazing! It's a cross between Skunky sweetness (from their Father), fresh cut flowers, and incense (both of the latter from their Momma). It's amazing how you can really get the best of both worlds!
Too bad you can't get nom'd for a photo/auto cross! Kush Bush or Mo Plant would be my best shot ever at a win! LOL Oh well, I still got my Dragons going!! :firedevil: