Hey Guys! What a day/night!! One where you gotta just sit back and say "F*CK IT!" and just live for another day LOL! The pump went in no problem (other than the cost! LOL) and the pressure is better than ever! The idiot who built this house (Mr. Psycho Swamp Grass! That's another funny/twisted story!) installed a pump with .5 HP! To run water nearly 150 yards away! So we upgraded to a 1HP pump and we're rockin' now!
So, the plumbers finally leave, I make my phone calls to the parents telling them all is done and working, the wife and I roll and smoke a fatty. All is good no? Well, we decide to order out some dinner and head out to pick it up. On the way over to pick up the food my f*cking tire goes flat! And nothing a fix a flat or more air will fix. This sucker was HISSIN' air PPPSSSHHH!!! LOL I start laughin' my ass off as I get out and see it sittin' on the rim and it's lightning like every second and JUST starting to rain... Lordy Lordy so I try my best to out run the storm and get that baby off there and get the donut on in nearly 10 mins flat lol So looks like I'm getting 2 new tires tomorrow. One other one looks f*cked so I'm replacing that too. Just to get it done before disaster happens.
So now I'm 3 joints deep and sippin' on a sweet iced tea LOL Listening to the storm rage on... :smokebuds: Still pondering what to dust the baby girl with. It's funny how no matter what's happening outside that cab... All I gotta do is look in on them and smile!

Oh her pistils are very prominent today brothers! Very exciting indeed!
Captain I'm with ya on the Indicas! And the used car! LOL that's like 3 mortgage payments for us. I almost threw up when dude told me... You know when you're instantly chewin' it back!
Hey Snipe! yeah it does! And just with the 5 different phenos I got off 7 fem HBD I know Stitch's wild varieties! The AA are like that too.
Yo Dub! Thanks brother! You rock man. Hopefully shit will calm down soon cuz it's been 7 days straight craziness and I've gotten nearly zero sleep. 4 hours here 5 hours there. I feel run down and ragged lol I know we've all been there for sure! I just can't wait for things to calm down a bit and man I'm hopin' for a Auto Buck Smash Male! That would be amazing. I hope that happens! But if not I'm still up in the air at the moment. I have a few weeks to decide. I have a PAKxSour60 Male but Sour60 has Blueberry. I don't know maybe I'm being OCD about the Blueberry and I'm sure the hermi tendencies could be bred out if done properly. Man look how much I've rambled!
:smokebuds: I appreciate all the Karma Buds! Hope everyone has a kick ass weekend! Tomorrow we're gonna grill out and try and relax! :smokebuds: As long as it doesn't storm again! LOL